Ahh, i haven't blogged for...a day! Sorry faithful reader :X Been real busy these days, especially with the mid years & crap. Work, revision, everything! Argh. Okay don't say i'm mean, i'll make the effort to blog lah :P
Let me see...uhm, eh, nothing much happened yesterday :D Maybe only during Art, i kinda started getting bitchy towards Alvin&Wayne. Not my fault ohh-kayy, they irritated me with their sarcastic comments first! ):
Not bad lah, the speaker was AMANDA'S mother okay! Not Amanda Ong, it's the Sec 2 one. I wasn't really paying attention XD 'cos was copying my history, and i was uber uber sleepy. I slept like, 11pm again last night. And woke up with heavy eyebags lah. Urgh, oh ya!!!! OH SHIT, I THINK I'M A HORRIBLE GIRL! I actually forgot Ming Han's birthday passed! Wtf. Sorry my dear!
Brooooooo, don't get angry. Pls pls pls. All of us forgot 'cos of work and stuff, i remembered my other friends' birthdays 'cos i was informed. Sorry...I miss you ohkay! FDJWKERHFIEURIEGBFYIWER crap. I know you're veh disappointed with me, sigh...i'm reallaye sorraye. I'll talk to you on msn, when you're online! Like hello, you're always so busy till no time for us ): Kayssss.
Oh, it's Mavis' birthday too! Although i only know her for a short while, she's pretty nice[:
Haha, i sound creepy. Oh before i blog,
Happy Birthday To You!
Happy Birthday To You!
Happy Birthday To YOU TWO!
Happy Birthday To You!
Stayyyyy prettayeeee&uh, i'll loveeee yaaaa lotsss okayyy<33
I greeted the guys with a big retarded smile in the morning, too bad they didn't appreciate it! Haha, yups, while waiting for Jing Ying. So they were like giving the *beware* look again. Ayee, don't know what they want. Like, i'm hardly so bright&high on a freaking Monday morning, shouldn't they entertain me! Lol. Told Jing Kai off, about the video being posted on YOUTUBE =.= &&&Jovi was uber clown this morning, had a great time arguing with him, yah i admit, he's a...i don't know how to describe him.
Oh oh, Willi showed me who was the Nethanel guy in his class? Lol, i don't know what's his problem these days can. He was trying to avoid my question& walked away so quickly. Even Sarah also thinks that he's dao-ing us. I tried my best, i talked to him till damn sian of it. I don't know what has happened to you BRO, i don't know! ):
JOY! Yayyy, i miss her. haha. Oh ya, Lau scolded Gladys for her earstick&fringe once again.
Lau : Gladys, take out your earstick now.
Gladys * damn pissed look * : WHAT'S WRONG?!
Lau : Earsticks are for bbq-ing.
I was asking Joy what he said, i thought i heard wrongly. Haha, no link can! We were made to sing the National Anthem twice, 'cos we couldn't be heard. &while singing, Mrs Tan sounded so cute. Like a deejay, couldn't stop giggling! Haha, and we found out some news regarding Jasmine. Gladys had a great time teasing her, yeah i thought it was big news too! First period was PE. I kinda dread it sometimes, especially the 2.4km run. My dear Evian had to run continuous rounds, 'cos she forgot to wear her class tee + PE shorts. Gah, i love you Evian :D
We played frisbee, yeah frisbee. Something happened, it was an accident; i promise! Joy knows it, hahaha! Had English. Oh i tell you, i wasn't paying attention at all although i want to! Me&Grace were talking non stop. &i found out stuff again. Shit shit shit. Screw you darling, i'll forgive you this time round. I think i'm gonna do horribly for my English paper, ahhh.
Recess; nothing happened. SCIENCE ! Lala. Stupid science test, i'm gonna do badly for it also. I forgot to study for it okay! Compounds, elements, mixtures AHHHHH. Die then die lah. &from our science class to maths class, i was having so much fun bullying Jovi lah. It was a total random comment, believe me! I didn't know what got into me and i just shouted
Hahahah, so i was still at it for the rest of the day. I left my textbook in the locker, &i can't do my work now ): I was performing plastic surgery for my calculator throughout maths, i paid attention too yeah! :D
Chineseeeeee. So Si Yu became high again, victims? Me.Joy.Darren. Ahhh, he's insane when he's high. He told me this darn lame thing.
Si Yu : Ehh, come here. I tell you a secret okay?
Jerm : Yaa? Kays...
Si Yu : I think the school changing name.
Jerm : Huh? For?
Si Yu : Changing to SYF.
Jerm : competition thing ?
Si Yu : No la. Si Yu Fans.
Wth. Effing lame can. Just because...okay i shan't say it here. Later kanna killed by peepoles. SYF. Haha. Nonsense. I gave Denise a big big big big teddy bear hug after school, since her chin was injured thanks to...her pen =.= Can you like, take care of yourself babe? Ahhh! ILYYY LOADS LAHH <33>
Sarah was having fun, yes. Lots of fun. I could see. (: Especially at the MRT station * lalala, gives the innocent look again * Lalalala. Hahaz, don't kill me if you see this!
I'm back home now. Trying to finish up all my work by today, but i forgot that i left my history workbook & maths textbook in the locker ): I can't seem to do anything now. But to self-study. Ahhh, i've decided.
I sound like your mum, but who cares. I just hope you understand okay, SARAHHH<333>
Haha, quoted that from Lau. See ya peeps, i'm gonna work hard. &really play hard when the mid years are over. SHITTT, I CAN'T WAIT TILL THE MID YEARS ARE OVER ):
Enough of my crap, byee.
gimme a break...
watermelon lolli.
" One minute and the earth begins to shake
Two minutes and my hearts begins to break
Another minute and she makes me feel brand new
That's just three minutes with you.
Four minutes and she's everything I see
Five minutes and she's where I wanna be
Another minute everything just feels so new
I need six minutes with you
Six minutes "
Back to my day. Morning, i lost my voice! And starting talking like some wild toad, but the weirdest thing was that my voice returned after a few minutes. Magic. My dear AMADEA, brightened up my day by making me this lil card of encouragement since the mid years were coming! Hahaz, i was super duper touched can. ILOVEYOUAMADEA :D
White space was spent stupidly, yeah, the word's stupid. I mean like, why in the world would i be interested in...planes?! Lol i wouldn't wanna be a pilot, nonono. So yeah, slept! Have been sleeping darn late these days, around 10 reaching 11. I need sleep! The guys were reminding me about Randal, haha mean peeps.
They were saying " If Randal was here he will start showing off his knowledge on planes blahblahblah..." It reminded of Kuo Chuan. Kuo Chuan reminded me of 6Excellence. 6Excellence reminded me of my classmates. My classmates reminded me of my dear Mdm Tang. Mdm Tang reminded me of the happy times that we had. Haiz...can i just turn time back? I don't mind experiencing the horrible stuff again, as long as i can learn how to appreciate all that we once had. I miss you peeps, and the noise too ):
Enough of all that, i'll write it in one seperate post when i have the time! 6EXCELLENCE WILL STAY IN MY MEMORIES; I PROMISE! Back to where i stopped, oh yeah, white space. After that was, ang mor. English. Haha i was super tired again, lying down on the table, ALMOST fell asleep. Until Mdm caught me again okay! She said " Jermaine...what happened today? Why do you look so sulky? " I replied 'cos i am uber tired&sleepy. English homeroom is the best place to sleep, haha. The air con rules. I'm kinda worried for myself, i think my english is like deproving! Urgh, i'm gonna die on friday. Especially the summary part although Mdm claims that it's super easy =.=
Had history after that. This time round, i wasn't tired anymore :D Hahaz i love the source based questions. ( that's super weird of me, yes i know. ) Now that i know how to do it, i love it (: Yeah i used to hate it 'cos i don't understand a damn thing. I understand it already, yay. Yayyyy!
REEEEECESSSSSSS! Nothing much happened today, yeah, nothing. Went for chinese. Omg i'm loving chinese these days! Not 'cos of the lessons lah, 'cos of the fun i'm having. Hahaz. Today was uber stupid, i didn't know Si Yu was such a clown. I think he was in a good mood, talked lots of shit. Made me&Joy laugh our heads off. Hahahha. We were doing our work and all of a sudden he sounded emo and said " Life is so boring..." Lol we burst out laughing okay. &he said he was a fish or something, &that his brothers resembled one of the fishes we buy from the market. With opened mouth, hahaz. Cher scolded us for making too much noise, zzz what's her problem.
Next is science. Nono, it's err, oh shit i forgot. Yes it's science, practical. No practical, but did it in the labs. It was stupid, but total fun once again. Bai Yang was sitting beside me, and i kept on talking crap. He had some plan on kicking people, but i heard wrongly and thought he wanted to kick Joy's butt. I started cracking dumb jokes bout it, got him misunderstood. Hahahahaha, :D
Had maths. I fell asleep...AGAIN. Had this stupid exercise that gotta be done on the net, and i got home & did it. I forgot that there's time, and was happily taking my own sweet time to do it. Damn it! After maths was CF. Pretty crap, Grace was telling me about some stuff. :X Hahaz,
and she sent me home! :D
I was begging her not to alright, but she insisted on stalking me. Haha, and i described her as " raping meeee. " Hahaha, &of course, we talked and talked and talked and talked and finally i reached my lift lobby. Damn it, so sweet of her to send me back(: ILOVEYOUUUGRACEEEEE :D Hahaz, i went for tuition just now. &didn't really check my phone, when it finished, i checked for messages and GUESS WHAT? 9 unread messages & 13 missed calls! Gosh, most of them were from Li Hao. I thought what was so important, damn it, it was just some joke =.=
I finally finished my work, wonder if i can sleep early today! YAY THERE'S CHAPEL TOMORROW :D Yay yay yay yay! :DDDD
Shall stop here. Ciao.
On it writes :
Hey my dearest<3
work hard for your midyears okay(: impossible is NOTHING with God. Look to Him for wisdom and strength. Go JERM. I love youuuu! (:
" I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. "
-Philippians 4:13
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
sleep :D
Okay i thought beanpole sounded like people? Lol heck. That's so lame. Ahaha Jerm's here to post again.
Morning was like, err what? Chinese? The funniest part was when i had to give out books, and i didn't know how to read Sung Chang's name. I read it was Sung Jing, and i asked the teacher which GIRL was it. The teacher was like " ( in chinese ) That's not Sung Jing, it's Sung Chang..." The natural reaction would be somebody giving me the " =.= " look, which was Sung Chang. I bet he thought that i was trying to be a clown, but seriously, i didn't know how to read his name. Lol.
Next was English, sian. Had to do compos and i fell asleep. Got caught by Mdm which was a freakish-ly embarassing thing. Oh before that, some assholes started talking crap about Elton liking me or something. Argh, my classmates are full of shit. The whole dumb scenario was rather crappy, the moment i went upstairs to our English homeroom, the whole group of people started giving me the creepy look and saying " Hello Jermaine. Wow news spreads rather fast! " I didn't know what they were talking about until Jovi told me. Urgh, look, it's impossible. I mean, it's Elton leh. Gahh.
So the stupid rumour started going on and on till i got super pissed &shouted right into the face of Alvin. Irritating. Can't they differentiate from what's the truth and rumour? Especially when it was Jonas that started the whole damn thing! I'm still pissed, yes very! First Joel, now you eh? Argh. Recess was fun. fun fun FUN! Haha i started talking crap about " I love Chong Jin " and stuff. But i DEFINITELY did not mean it, see, i wrote DEFINITELY. Brenwin&Shayn were having a great time talking nonsense & disturbing me about who else, but Yee Tat? They started saying that i look like him, and lots of other crap which is so illogical. Anyway, whoever thinks that they're innocent&pure must be blind.
Went off to history! Mr Ng found out that the whole class cheated, &had to take a retest. Was pretty hard, i'll get ready for detention. &this Brendi and Jang Wook came to sort of distrupt the class.
Brendi : Good Morning.
Mg Ng : Okay good morning Brendi, go back to your class.
Brendi : What i do? I only saying good morning lor. Good morning class.
Mr Ng : Hurry up and go back.
---Brendi left---
Mr Ng told me " When he's not talking, he's cute. But when he starts acting cute, he looks like an idiot. " Hahaha, i was laughing my ass off alright! Had art which was still nonsensical. Omg i can't spell nonsensical, i backspaced a few times before i typed it right. NONSENSICAL. Lol. My dolphin or fish or whatever that is, is really fugly. Urgh, i hate such stuff alright. Look like an idiot painting the whole damn thing, yuck. Went off for science.
Hahaha, science XD FUN FUN FUN AGAIN! I was sort of disturbing Mr Tan throughout the whole class with my crap. He drew the cross section of the thermometer, which was two circles, both big and small. And once again, i'm gonna post another conversation.
Joy : What's that?
Jerm : I not very sure.
Joy : Cross section of thermometer arh?
Jerm : No i think it's a human egg.
So i asked Mr Tan, his reaction was like " YOU DON'T XIANG WAI OKAY. " Hahahaha, he was the one lor! I thought it was an egg, not the...*youknowwhat* Disgusting lah, i can understand, yet can't understand what's the compound mixture elements thing. Lol, gotta do some self studying.
Went to the bubbletea shop with the girls, decided to not go for caligraphy since i was tired. Might as well go home and finish up my work. Grace asked me questions bout what to talk about to Jeremy, and how i managed to talk to the opposite gender. She asked a lot of people and their reply was " RANDOM STUFF THAT COMES TO YOUR MIND? " Haha, weird! &i saw Bao Lun so started to dee siao him. Hahaha, funn. XD Ke Xin! He was the one that started disturbing me in school first kay. Urgh.
I trained home and while waiting for the train, Sarah, Min Wei, Xin Ping, Christabel were with me. They are full of C.R.A.P Sarahkimmm, watch it! =.= Hahaz, walked home alone with a big pile of books. Shouldn't have brought it back. Ahhhh, kay i'm tired now. It's reaching 9pm soon.
Nights :D
Sleep well :D
Sweet dreams :D
Cya tmr :D
Haha, reward for the faithful reader that read my entire post. Alright, cya!
Monday, April 14, 2008
it's snowing!
Yeah right. Snow my foot. Urgh, i'm feeling super duper cold now! Alright, talk about it a lil more at the bottom.
Last night was fun! Way fun! :DD The game didn't last till 11:59pm though, 'cos i didn't wanna play anymore & almost cried 'cos i couldn't find my history notebook, thought it was the end of life! It's not the notes that i'm heartache about, it's the notebook. Haha, one of my favourites.
Today morning started off well, no it wasn't well. Jing Ying didn't come to school! Dude, get well soon. I kinda miss you, haha. So i had to take the train with 3 guys! Argh! The trip was pretty quiet, without Jovi ( of course. ) Lalala. The stupid part was during PE. Ran my 2.4km today. LOL, don't laugh but i did failed. This is gonna sound super surprising, but yeah, you gotta believe it. I've got an 18.04! Lol, and we were like the top 6 for the girls! Gosh, you can imagine! Haha.
So we were like half-dead, my legs were jelly like and my head was spinning as if i was turning around&around. Walked past the tennis courts, haha, i haven't touched my raquet for like a month or two! Bought a drink when i got back to school, and got caught by Mr Yeo =.= Had to do a freaking 50 pumpings, and he didn't believe that i did 50 so made me do another 10 jumping jacks. Urgh. The boys sabo-ed me, by saying that i slacked and wasn't doing it properly. Common sense tells you that JERMAINE LIM would be angry de lor. They spoke to me, i ignored them. Ahaha, i even went to sit with Grace! :D
We talked a lot of crap till Mdm kept asking us to stop talking, ahaha. Went for recess with my girls, i didn't talk to the boys though. Opigut, sat at a different table! Was late for science, who cares. Haha, yay Mr Tan! Went through the paper, uber boring so i slept. :D I got angry with Joel 'cos he betrayed me. Urghhh. Maths was next, sat with Joy! Okay chinese was damn fun! Fun 'cos me and Joy were talking CRAP okay.
Me : Chu Yi sent me a song called Everything To Me by Avalon. Damn nice lehh.
Joy : Huh? Abalone? Got such a singer/band meh?
Hahahahahah! And one more, but this one is a super dirty thing. Can't say it here, hahahaha! XP Went for early lunch, damn that teacher. Made us skip NDP just for the freaking drama. I'd rather go NDP than that drama la. Boring. Sigh, NDP was creepy. With Jeffrey's mood swings. Haha, i bet he's gotta PMS!
He was angry here and there, urgh. Dick was horribly disgusting, he & this Sung Chang guy were gay-ing. I was like laughing my head off can. They gay till land on the grass! Hugged Annabel, Joy, Grace, Amadea, Xiao Ye[: &i matchmaked Pui Ying with this guy called Gerald Lim or something. OHMYGOSH, he's cute. Lol, cute as in adorable, not the hottie kind okay! Hahahaha, so funnnnn! Me&Grace were waving to Yee Tat since he was at the second floor. The stupid conversation went like this :
Jerm : omg we look like some retards waving like that.
Joy : Retard sounds like Yee Tat.
Jerm: Oh that reminds me, i ate Egg Tarts for dim sum yesterday(:
Haha, no offence. Don't be angry please, Yeeeee Tat! I was seriously laughing my head off, the whole scenario was dumb. Grace did the disgusting handsigns with me, haha. Urgh, you poisoned a lil innocent girl's mind!
Jeffrey started kaopei-ing. &two girls don't know whether is accidentally or purposely splashed water on him. He got angry &stormed off. LOL, great! :D Teachers&principal came down to start giving us lecturings here and there. Had to sit in the rain to mark attendance okay! Gosh, everybody was drenched la. The rain was effing heavy & i was feeling soooo cold. Wanted to go the the BBT shop with the girls since i was hungry, and was raining so heavily till i didn't know how to go home. But Mummy called me, she&Daddy were on their way home, decided to fetch me back. Haha, great! I was shivering in the car, hugging my blouse&skirt.
I'm finally back home now. UBER HAPPY :D kay byeeeeee.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
dimsum dollies.
LOL what a random title. Just got back from Isetan Scotts, had DimSum there, nice(: Hahaz, haven't had a proper yet nice lunch with my family on a Sunday like that. Was a lil grumpy in the morning, because i was sleeping soundly and i had to wake up early just to go out with them!
Zzz, and i only remembered i had a pile of work to finish when i was in the car. History test, sensory evaluation, science workbook, maths. The rest are okay, but the science is uber hard! Do till wanna die, 20 pages of alien questions lah. Gosh, so harddd. I think i've no choice but to copy some tomorrow XD
Was at Great World City last night, yes yes...I think i'd enough fun since friday. Haha, been out like everyday! I suggested Kenny Roger's since nobody knew where to settle for dinner! I needed some shopping, haven't bought a single tee for like...months! ZARAAAA! Yay, bought a tee plus my white skinnies :P
LOL, okay i think there's nothing else to talk about. Heheh, buhbyee.
I'm playing a game now, which would last all the way till tonight 11.59pm. Haha, fun yet stupid! :D
Saturday, April 12, 2008
messed up.
"Name above all names,
Worthy of all praise.
My heart will sing,
How great is our God..."
Didn't blog yesterday 'cos was out for the whole day. Haha. Yesterday was a normal school day, i guess there's nothing much to talk about. Even if so, don't really feel like blogging today but thought it would be very dead, so yeah... The best thing about yesterday was the Planetshakers' concert @ the Expo.
Ha, the best i've ever been to. It was great, i felt so relaxed as we all started to worship& i loved the noises made. Just kept on singing, dancing, jumping and we enjoyed ourselves so much. Trained home, and reached back safely around 12 plus. At night, haha.
I found out something from Grace that i'd never expect to hear from her today morning. I couldn't believe it, perhaps the promises she made were meant to be broken. I don't know, & i don't wanna care anymore. I'm really disappointed. Really...Oh by the way, Yee Tat, it's not your fault &i'm not angry with you.
Haiz, wasn't really in the mood throughout the whole dance. Mrs Tan appreciated the hard work and treated all of us to a burger; from Macdonald's each. Was feeling way messed up, and i seriously don't know what to do or say now.
I'm just gonna leave it to God. Hope things all get better, and to what it was.
Gtg. Bye(:
Reply to Tags :
Shan Yun - Lol. It's okay(:
Amanda - Yeah i will, promise. Veh veh soon kay? (: i can't wait for dance! Haha.
Evian - I am :D Don't worry.
Denise - Touch wood. He's still alive&well kay. Nvm lah, still got Mr Shawn Tan what!
Chu Yi - i know le :D ily chu ! Hahaz okay, i don't be evil le.
Fir - yeah i noe! you fell ill right? Uh huh, MrLau's quite nice SOMETIMES only lah..
Sarah - i love you too lalala. Had a great time ytd right (:
Jk - we're SUPPOSED to move our heads lah. They don't do it not my prob right.
Yee Tat - Hey. Lol i thought u did tag last friday too? Anyway, it's okay lah. Uh huh, had lots and lotsa fun! :D thxx.
Evelyn - i got 185cm. But stupid, the answer is 165 ):
Kassandra - Hello KASSANDRA! [:
Hui Tien - Of course i'll remember. Like hello, hahaz. ILY! <3
At the childcare :

Willi's idea.


Thursday, April 10, 2008
shake the planet.
" He's more than a story,
more than words on a page of history.
He's the air that i breathe,
the water i thirst for.
And the ground beneath my feet,
He's everything, everything to me..."
I'm just hoping the stupid MSN sharing folder thing works, Chu Yi gonna send me that song. Yay, ILOVEJESUSSSS<33>
I'm supposed to finish my maths homework, just don't feel like doing. Haha, and supposed to study for history, because i just remembered that there is a history test tomorrow! Anyway, me and Evian agreed to go for dentention class together. XD
Today morning was kinda rush. Especially me&Alvin since both of us were in Home Econs, yeah..the stupid exam. Rushed up when we reached school and placed our stuff into the fridge. Chiong-ed to the parade square, phew. The weather was darn hot today okay, sweating like some idiot that just came back from a run.
Zzz, had chapel! Yayyyyy. Stupid councillors, made me, Joy, Grace & Gladys stand outside the chapel, don't let us go in until we pulled up our socks till it's damn high. Wtf. It was super embarrasing, everybody was looking can. Gosh. Pastor Beng Hwee sang " Still ", haha, i loveeee that song. Was listening to it till kinda late last night!
Next was science. MR SHAWN TAN. Okay i had to retype this a few times 'cos i kept thinking the Shawn Tan was spelt as Sean Tan. Yes buddy, Sean Tan :D Haha, surprising we were the first few to reach the classroom. &did worksheets plus stuff. Whoa, i was guai (: Haha.
After science was uhm, music. Oh was there music? Haha i felt like there wasn't any music at all, no impression. Lol, okay. Then went for English. BORING. Slept for a long long time after Mdm came, and the guys seriously pissed me off a little. Shouting & making noises. Zzz, you know who.
Gladys got caught for her uniform and stuff blahblah. Sarah cried during recess & it was the first time i ever really gave her an actual bestie hug(: Hahaz, cry more, i can give you more then. Oh kidding! Got a lil worried for her, all that stress going up her head. Hey girl, i've been through that before. Understand how you feel. Talk to God, you'll feel better! ILOVEYOUMYDEAR!
Had maths after that, yeah...maths test. LOL. Wasn't a very tough paper, i would say. Okay it was not a paper, although it only had one piece of paper. That's nuts lah, don't know what i'm talking about. Home Econs was next. Haha, exam! Was damn excited & i expected myself to screw things up. Yes i did, i burnt myself when not careful with the oven. Argh, i mixed up certain steps & my dish turned out super salty! LOL!
Went for NDP after that. Slacked a thousand behind the carpark, shhh. Nobody noes. Hahaz, and acted when any teacher came. So that Jeffrey guy made us dance the whole thing with other groups. Mr Yeo & Jovi kept asking me to smile when i'm dancing. 'Cos they said i look like a deer stuck in a traffic light =.=
Hahaz, stoned outside cheers. Not exactly stoned, ate nachos also. Hahaz, with Grace&Joy. Took the train home!
Okay nights.
YAYYYY! i'm so excited about tomorrow ah! Haha.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
cooking mama!
Stacey's mom has got it going on~~
Haha, i'm crazy about that song. Okay lah, video is uber sick, but nice song. Today passed quick, lol. First period white space, boring. Some stupid nurse talk, haha. Next's English! I was sleeping for a while, the air con was so coolinggg. Hey, no choice kay. Stayed up till so late to finish up on work last night, sleepy. Mdm was uber cute today, shared with us all her tragedies till i bet she forgot to continue with her lessons. She just kept rattling on for an hour on it, haha, i love her can!
Herstory was next. Surprisingly, not as sleepy as yesterday. Haha, maybe 'cos had to concentrate and lots of stuff to catch up on since i wasn't paying attention the past few lessons. Damn, i think i'm gonna fail history during mid year. Ahhh. Had recess and went for chinese.
Chinese was FUN. Okay not the lesson, 'cos me and Joy were not paying attention at all and spent half an hour cutting the papers that were prepared for the children at the childcare. Haha. Was excited!
Had science practical. FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN! Hahaz, with the exception of JOEL KOH. Darn. Those practical involved the microscope, and i was like damn inquisitive about it. I tell you it's super fun when you really see those cells okay! Maybe not the cheek cells, 'cos that is so gross. I think the plant cells is interesting. I was damn disgusted at first but realised how COOL it is okay!
What's next. MATHS. Uh huh, loveddddd it. I paid attention, okay i lied. I slept for a lil while. Heheh, went for CF at the hall. Everybody was running about whispering this and that. So we found out that got handphone spotcheck and threw all our phones into one locker! Hahaha. *secret* Amanda was damn clown, put hers inside her shoe. Hahahah. But they didn't have any spotcheck, which was good la. Instead, was those dumb stuff bout exam. Blah, makes me get more stressed when i think about the nearing mid year. NOO!
After school, Lau was singing as we prepared to go to the childcare. Big joke. Hahaha, set off after that(: I expected the bus to be big nice and comfty, but i was so wrong! DIRTY OLD HOT AND STUFFY okay. ZZZ, addition of Mr Jovi Ho's big loud voice, felt like slapping his faceeeeee. Haiyo. Reached there, and the kids were fun to play with! Shall upload the pictures real soon. Kinda late now, &i'm lazy too.
Left the place, uhm yeahhh. Went to BBT shop with besties & cracked lots of sick jokes there. Hahaha, went homeeeee(:
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
one word: SORRY (:
Eeeeek, i haven't blogged for long time. Yesterday's post was nonsensical, haha. Got home and just felt like resting, wasn't totally in the mood to blog.
Okay so nothing big happened yesterday, except Mr Shawn Tan. I think he's gonna be bullied by our class very soon, mean freaks. I kept saying " HELLO " to him. Funn! Today was stupid. Especially the morning okay! I thought i didn't bring my wallet & started panicking to lend money for a standard ticket. Oh man, wasteeeeee money! &it's only after chinese that i realised it's in my bag =.= Gah! Normal trip for $0.40 but the standard ticket is $1.10! Heartache ah.
In the morning, it was fun again 'cos got to know of some news. Ahaha. Had my first LC test in PHS today. Somewhat the same as primary school, standard still the same. Hahaz, but Si Yu was talking lots of crap. He thought i had a twin sister in PHS! Rubbish can. Next was errm. History? Nono, ENGLISH! Yes, english! The only period which i got super high! I went crazy and started doing retarded stuff to all of them. &Jovi was the main victim. Hahaz, told you whoever sits besides me when i'm high, would suffer. Mdm even caught me talking & asked me to read out my answer. Got kinda stuck, haha.
Recessssssss. Anything happened? Nah? Not really. Except talks with Sarah(: Yay girlfriend, wo ai ni. History was the next one. Oh my gosh, this one! Yes!!! This! No! Ahh! This! Wtf! I was super sleepy throughout Mr Ng's lessons, damn boring la. Although wanted to stay awake to note points for exam, i started listening and within the next few minutes my eyes were closed. Used my hands to cover my face as though i was thinking hard. Grace just fell asleep and got caught by Mr Ng. Haha, okay i was looking forward to the break. Slept, and i really got into a deep sleep. So tired, and when i woke up, it's only after a long time that i realised my notebook+pen was missing. EVIANN LIMMM! Hahaz...
So when i was about to leave, i got caught for my uniform * OH DAMN IT * That was what i was telling myself, suay till bu ke yi suay de lor. I tucked in my blouse, and since Mr Ng asked Evelyn to be my " model ", i looked at her, and looked at myself. Okay fine, skirt you mean? Yeah that's what he's trying to say. He asked me to make sure my skirt looks somewhat like Evelyn's. I was like WHAT THE TOOT. Acted guai for a few minutes and the moment i left the classroom, i was back to Jermaine!
Art Art Art Art. Boo Boo Boo Boo. Cow Cow Cow Cow. ABC, ahaha, lame. Lol my art piece's kinda screwed up. My fish looks like a shark and looks like a don't know what. Haha. XP
Lunch was wet. With the heavy rain and stuff, fun time dee siao-ing Gladys! Ahahahaha! &took some time to differentiate between Brenwin&Brendi. But didn't really had the chance since they had to go for their match with Yee Tat. Someday i'd really gonna find out what makes the two of them different.
NDP sucked. Wasted my bloody time out there in the darn carpark screaming and shouting. Gosh, sore throattttt. Thanks to that gay, putting my in charge of one big group. Sian. Nono not all of them, most of the girls were fine(: Veryy nice peeps, except for one or two or three. Lol. I made them dance twice, slack. Dance twice again, slack again. &when any cher come, we'd act hardworking and dance all the way. Ahaha, very cunning huh? XD hahaz.
Okay so went back home le. Prepared my home econs food just now. Potato&chicken. Ahaha, so salty. EEyur, kay. Nights(:
-gotta work through the night! TUITION WORK OH WTF! I just remembered!
Monday, April 7, 2008
scream out loud!
I don't know what to do now.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
it's some freak's birthday today.
Alright, i'm kind of chiong-ing homework now. And it's already late. So yeah, gonna make this post short and sweet. The weather's horrible these days, effing hot. People, take care of yourselves and drink lots of water okay. Poof, had serious headache today till i felt like putting my head into a bucket of ice water. That sounds nonsensical but it was really how i felt.
Oh, it's Jovi's birthday today. &he sms-ed me trying to hint me to wish him a happy birthday. Too bad, i told you i'm gonna make you suffer. BECAUSE HE BROKE MY HAIRBAND YESTERDAY. Wtf. And it was one of my favourite ones, and it's the BLUE ONE! Argh, i don't care if it's your birthday. Blame yourself for what you did, hmpf! And my dear Evian, not your fault. I don't blame you, i blame HIM.
Lol. I finally finished my Zuo Wen & Home Econs, the zuo wen almost made me jump down from the top floor of the Eiffel tower. Had writer's block and wrote nonsensical stuff inside. Die then die, expected. Haha, okay, i think i'd best go and pack my stuff and get to sleep.
Shit, there's drama tomorrow. YUCKKK! Okay, bye peeps(:
have a gooodnight yah!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
I know...i know...it's the second post of the day. I don't know lah, argh. I really need time off my work before it drives me insane. Tuition work especially. But i'm like stuck at my 2chapters of Xi Zi because i'm so not in the mood. As for Zuo Wen, ah heck. Today's NDP sucked, horribly. Probably 'cos our group was not the first few to rehearse. Great thing, yet bad thing. Had to sit and do nothing for maybe 1 hour plus. Was listening to music, way better than dancing under the hot sun right? Haha.
One of the girls fainted, expected lah. Retarded people. Asking us to dance under the hot sun, knew such stuff would happen. That's why, my dear girls, take care and drink more water ya? I really wish i could have a thousand things to write in this post because i don't wanna get back to my work. I'd love to sleeep, rest, play, do everything i like but i just don't have the time! NDP's taking up so much of my time nowadays, and i can't even meet Sean this tuesday as there's a stupid rehearsal until 5 or 6. Argh, and my saturdays are taken up! Hardly spent any time with my family okay, not to say shopping. Sighhhh.
I wanna drop dead and die. The stress is killing me. I'm like, darn tiredddd. Uber uber uber uber uber uber tiredddd. As what my MSN personal msg said, i'm starting to dread going to school. Because it's practically the same thing everyday, work work work cca cca cca programmes programmes programmes.
I want to drop HMT next year, i can't seem to understand a fcking damn thing in class. I'm prepared to fail the paper i just did on tuesday. Haizzzzzz. I gotta get back to my work before i start burning midnight oil tonight. I doubt i got the time to finish it tomorrrow.
Ugly and dumb post. I just felt like pouring my feelings out, don't need people to comment on it. Shall end it here.
Omg? I've not laid my fingers on the computer for a day! Okay lah, i sound dumb but really! I miss this laptop so much. I want to blog. Ahaha, but i was super tired after dance yesterday, and i had to rush back home because Mum wanted to go out again. No choice, her birthday >.< Oh ya, her birthday! Haha better sing before i forget sia.
Happy Birthday To You!
Happy Birthday To You!
Happy Birthday To Mummy!
Happy Birthday To You!
And the trip back home was tiring, i fell asleep. Ahaha, and i slept again when i reached home. Laid on the bed, replied a few sms-es and *lights off*. And that was like 8 plus?! Oh man, i thought i'd be able to wake up around 9.30pm to come online and blog. Argh, i slept all the way till this morning ! Hahaz. Okay it's only 8.17am now and i'm already blogging. I wanna sleeep still but can't get back to sleep :P Ohoh, and i wanna kill peeps. I don't know who the f*ck read my messages when i was sleeping last night! Urghhh, no wonder when i checked my messages again, so many were opened although i've never read them! Damn, sister refuses to admit it. I don't know who's the freaking culprit.
Okay i think i've got the time to blog about yesterday. EFFING HELL, NDP! Wth, i don't want. It starts at 245 and i gotta reach school by 140, that's damn crap la. Zzzz, i think i'm gonna be burned again okay.
In the morning, let me see. I felt super duper happy 'cos i did a good deed. Ahaha, It went like that : i was walking to the station, and on my way i saw Edwin ( 1humility) He was standing there trying to figure out how to carry those big bags. And there were 5 or 6 of them okay! His uniform and stuff, i was like " WTH " and i helped him to carry 2 bags. On the train, i was really wondering why the hell is there a need for so many bags sia. Haha but he gave me all sorts of crap reasons. Didn't really talked much since the DM was just behind&looking! ROFL.
Oh, me&joy won the bet! Hahaz, we bet that _____ is not gonna wear traditional costume. But the two GTs bet that she would wear. Yay, 50cents is back! Lol. And Joy, ILOVEYOULAHHH. Thank God for you okay. If you didn't tell me about it, i think i'd still be a dumb chicken sia. Weeee.
Mr Tan was busy talking about classes held in the canteen if a teacher is absent. &i was telling Joy " If only don't have Lit today la...sian. " And the moment i said that, Mr Tan announced " Mrs Shirley Chong, 1Endurance, 1st and 2nd period. "
I couldn't believe it and was so happy okay! Gosh, i sound mean but seriously her lessons are effing boring. I thought Literature was funn funn and more FUN! But it's so wrong. So our lessons held in the canteen. The DM is damn cute la, hahaz. We had to face the other side, because they didn't want us to be tempted by the canteen food XD I was pretty hungry when i smelt some sambal chilli or something. But no choice, don't give into temptation Jerm! Gladys was happily singing her songs =.= Okay none of them i liked, maybe one or two only. Haha sorry! &i really had an urge to be a mean girl and to confront somebody. Gosh, can't stand her. If Mr Edwin heard this, he'd say " then sit on her lor. " Yayaya.
What's nextttttttttttttttt. Is it chinese? Sorraye i'm darn lazy to go fish out my timetable from my file. So yeah, all in my memoryyyy! Yeah it's chinese. Kay so it was spent writing my Xi Zi & copying down corrections for Ting Xie. Wah seh, not bad, for once, i'm like so guai ? Hahaha, jkjk. &towards the end of the period, Brenwin was trying to be funny by asking somebody to______, thinking i don't know what he's up to. Hello, i'm not dumb! :D
Next was HIS-STORY. Quite boring, haha. Tuck in shirt. Pull up socks. Pin up fringe. Nametag&badge on. Don't look outside the window. Can't lie on the table. That's Mr Ng, hahaz. But everything changes once the period ends! Weee. Recess! Yay! I was hungry can, and it's UBER hungry. I didn't know what to eat though, lazy to queue and was getting bored of the food although it was only 4months! Hahaz. Ate a sandwich, &all of us were looking at the peeps from Anderson Primary's class photo. So cuteeeeee lah. Hahaz, come to think about it, KCP-ians, all of us looked very nerdy during that time too. But hey, we've grown up le(: Stupid Evian, giving me stupid hand signs =.= You know what i mean girl ! Hahaha.
There's no scienceeeeeeee todayyyyyyy. WALAOE. I want Mr Peh back la. Unfair, okay i tell you something which is totally so freaky can! Our new science cher is also called SEAN TAN leh. Lol, ahhhhh. Hey sean, your twinnie? :/ Hahaz, he gave us each a chocolate, yay. Time to feel sweet!
So it's uhm, MATHS! At first we were very well behaved and stuff, gone through chapters real quick. But thanks to some bastarddsssss, it made the progress of the class to go real slow kay. Making noises and acting like monkeys. Ms Tan was so angry, haiz. And she was not in a good mood 'cos she lost her hairpin! Haha, and made everyone of us write a love letter to her. In the letter gotta stuff bout your problems, what questions you wanna ask her, and stuff like that. Family probs, school probs, BGR probs, friends prob, money probs. &Evian came over and uttered some crap. I asked her to write her BGR prob inside, hahahah! Lalalala, and when she talked nonsense, i threatened her that i'll run to the opposite class, which is.... EVIAN YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. heheh.
And disturbed Amanda when she came to sit with me too. I drew big fanciful letters " MYGA " here and there. Gosh, she's really in love with him lah. :D Handed up our letters and went for assembly liao.
I was expecting some interesting stuff since it's International Friendship Day. &that Lau organised things that i thought would be so interesting but it turned out lame. Some bands and stuff. Blah, i only appreciate the effort of the NE ambassadors! 'Cos my dear Jendy was inside XD &the sort of showcase of those people dressed up in international costume. The most shocking one was Sarah's brother okay! Hahaha, i thought it was some girl until i looked closer. &was really shocked when i realised it's her brother! Hahaha!
Jerm : OMG HE LOOK SO CUTE LA! Hahaha.
Josh : What cute? Eh you know he's older than you, you still say he cute =.=
what's wrong! Really mah. XD I bet Sarah was laughing her ass off. I miss you babe!
Well, something happened and all of us were kinda taken aback when we found out what's the consequence la. Gosh. Went to BBT shop with the KCP-ians and we all were comparing our heights XD I felt so shorttttt when standing beside Alvin lah. Ahyo. I wanna grow tallerrrrrr. Oh oh, Yee Tat saw David & asked him why his attitude so horrible. Eek, i think David really needs to change his freaking attitude. Stop being like an ah-beng.
DANCE! Today was soooooooooooooooo......idk. Haha, i enjoyed it though(: With the hugs of my seniors, i love you peeps! The only dumb thing is that there was this part of the dance where we gotta fall to to ground, i slipped and went down to fast. Now my knees are having orh cheh. Ugly!
&we were talking about Ke Xin's boyfriend, Bao Lun. Haha, so funnn. But there was this girl, which was a total extra. Telling us how ugly Bao Lun is, and all the negative stuff bout him. I felt angry for Ke Xin, &wanted to ask her " Ehh, you thought you very pretty huh? " Oh well, relax, Ke Xin. Don't really need to care what she said. &&&&i was looking at the Sec 4s dancing. Look until i fell asleep sia. Haha, the room was cold. Of course it was a great place to sleeeep :D
Train-ed home with JingYing. &we had some important talks...hahaz. Secret(: Jy's the love<33
Went to Bugis with my parents &sister. Had dinner at MOF, blahblahblah. Okay went home sleep, the rest was all said if you read the top. I just realised i haven't had my breakfast yet and my stomach's telling me that it's hungry. I gotttaaaa gooo nowwwwwww.
i don't wanna go NDP ahhhhhh. Sian. Kay, i promise Jy to take pictures with her later. Lol, okay bye! [:
Thursday, April 3, 2008
it's the way that you make me feel.
Urgh. I'm feeling so tireddddddddddddd till i wanna die again. Just finished 2 slices of pizza & a cup of soya bean drink. Lol.
I was forced to go to sleep&stop studying by somebod y. Haha, woke up and went to the station as usual. Okay when i reached, nobody was there. I thought i was late till they got pissed and went off, but i was uber early! Lol! We played the catching game with Jovi again, funnn. Oh oh, i miss Chu Yi. &iloveeeherrrtooo <33
During LSS, it was way fun. Oh man, i'll miss Mr Peh like fck lah. He's leaving today, and not coming tomorrow. Haiz. The GTs&JLs were screaming " MR PEH, WE LOVE YOU(: " Hahaz, he was kinda shocked i guess. In case you don't know, JL is Jermaine Lim + Joy Loh. GT is Gladys Tua + Grace Tan. Lol! I thought it was pretty cool when they told me about it. So coincidental. I had a great time teasing Mr Peh from our homeroom all the way till the 4th floor. Ahaha, i went " Garabell-ing " all the way. Annabel, don't be mad at me! :P
Music rocked. Music sucked. Rocked when BaiYang made us laugh our asses off with his high pitch voice. &sucked when had to sing over and over again. Urgh. English test was quite okay la. Not as hard as i expected, went for recess(:
Maths was spent standing up for a long time again. But Ms Tan is uber nice la, let us sit. Ahaha. Sian, so many maths work to finish up on. Home Econs rocked too. Heheh. We made cupcakes! All the dough and stuff were fun to play with, talked a lot of nonsense to Joy. One of the convos' was about my neighbour's dog named Janice. Ahaha, of course, i was kidding.
Went back with them. &shit them. Me&Josh were walking behind 'cos we were talking about _____. &the rest were walking ahead of us. The train came, and they all went in, leaving me&Josh to take the next train. WTF. Still call youselves our good friends! Argh. As we reached Bishan, saw Jai. And i was telling Joshua how cute Jai was and everything. Haha, then started talking about Wei Xiang! What's wrong with calling those few boys cute? They really are cute what! :P
Having tuition again with them later. Oh man, i just remembered my mum's birthday is tomorrow. OMGGGGG! Been too busy lately till i forget this and that, argh. And there's a dinner tonight right after tuition! Gosh. Alright, i'm off to finish up my WORK again. Ahaha, my favourite word ! XP
uhm. i just realised i miss you loads. Ahaha. :X