Saturday, May 31, 2008
because you live
I'm in an extremely good mood today! Haha, went for NDP in the morning and i thought i was damn late! Haha saw Joshua waiting for the train too! Went so school & many people skipped NDP, ahh should have done so too! Jeffrey wasn't around, which was good :D Was seperated into groups and our IC was this Thomas guy! Lol. Me&Grace got nonsensical and crapped during lunch time! Haha i'm still crazy over the cute guy driving the yellow lamborghini XD
Went to eat the Bak Kut Teh thingy at this Sultan Road, nice :D &i'm having a bad headache now so i gotta rest before i'm able to go shopping tonight! Haha okays,
Friday, May 30, 2008
102nd post!

Haha i chose to celebrate it at 102nd post instead of the 100th 'cuz 102 is is my birthdate! Okay lame but at least i think that it's cool. Haha. CCF called me this afternoon when he was drying his clothes, and the others were in their rooms sleeping! *smiles* I was super duper happy, chatted for a while & he had to go!
My injured neck is still hurting. Sigh...but no choice but to follow mum for the PTC in school. Haha this is where the big joke began. My mum kept "arguing" with Mr Lau, okay the conversation was roughly like that.
Mr Lau : She can do better if she puts in enough effort.
Mum : What do you expect? With the ndp & all the cca clashed up here and there. Having so many activites, she don't even have time blahblahblah. The school should blahblah
Whoa my mum talk till like damn professional, Mr Lau didn't know what to reply. I was laughing my ass off inside okay! Haha, mum knows that he's in charge of the CIP stuff also, that's why purposely voice it out to him. Ohmygosh. Ilovemummy :D
Decided to skip the 730 briefing, even mum thinks that it's bo liao. So went to AMK hub to shop :D Uber fun time. Bought 2 skinnies, denim&black. Wanted to get the red or purple one too, but didn't. Shopped around and trained home.
I'm back homeee feeling tired & there's NDP tomorrow. Whatthefck. 645 gotta be in school already, fuck it! Okay the fact that there's 2 days more, definitely cheers me up (:
Like yippeeeeee ;D Bye people.
i can wait forever.
3 more days! My neck's injured and it's effing painful no matter what funny cream i apply on it. Sigh, didn't really sleep well last night ): Alright, i'm darn bored right now & i asked Natalie if i could do the 100 question quiz in my blog. I think it's real cool although i might just give up! Lol! Okay here it goes.
001. What's the connection between you and the last person that called you?
002. Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
003. What happened at 10.00am today?
I was still sleeping.
004. When did you last cry?
005. What is your favorite thing to eat with peanut butter?
M&Ms! Haha.
006. What do you want in your life right now?
I want to do the best in everything i can to make my life beeeeeeeteeeeefoooooool ;D
007. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood?
I'd rather walk in the rain -.-
008. What's your favorite thing to have on your bed?
Boulster! :D
009. What bottom are you wearing now?
I'm in my pyjamas dress. Lol.
010. Whats the nicest text in your inbox say?
011. Do you tend to make a relationships complicated?
I'd still prefer it to be as simple as possible!
012. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
Eew that's disgusting.
013. What was the last movie you caught?
Made Of Honour?
014. What are you proud of?
Nothing ( at the moment )
015. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say?
Secret :D
016. What was the last song you sang out loud?
Desperate - Daphne Khoo
017. Do you have any nicknames? What are they?
018. What does your last received text message say? Who was it from?
Sarah - I miss _____ ): I need his hug badly!
019. What time did you go to bed last night?
020. Are you currently happy?
Yeah, okay maybe not.
021. Who gives you best advice?
MyChuuuuu :D &sarah&denise.
022. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
For your info, i hate whipped cream to the core!
023. Who did you talk on phone last night?
Wanted to call Sarah but i fell alseep :D
024. Is anything bugging you right now?
025. What/Who was the last thing/person to make you laugh?
Pang! She told me this " fun fact " of this guy that wrote the shortest essay.
026. Do you wear toe socks?
Nono, anyway what's that ?
027. Who was the last person you missed a call from?
Ramos! :D
028. Have you ever had your heartbroken?
029. What annoys you most in a person?
Sarcastic& thick skinned people.
030. Do you have a crush on anyone?
031. Have you ever done cocaine?
Nooooooooooooooooooooo i'm innocent okie! Lol!
032. What is the colour of your room?
033. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollar?
Nah...i wouldn't wanna get myself into big trouble just because of a rash decision
034. Do you believed in the saying "talk in cheap"?
035. Who was the last person to lay in your bed?
Myself luh! -.-
036. Who was the last person to hug you?
037. Did anyone see the last person you kissed?
I gave it to Tessa&Ryan! &yeah the whole family saw. Anyway, they are small kids so it's okay.
038. Do you have a life?
Of course...
039. Have you ever think someone died, when they really didn't?
Yeah, in certain dreams.
040. What is the reason behind your profile song?
'cuz it explains how i feel right now?
041. Who was the last person you saw in your dream?
042. Last time you smiled?
Few minutes ago when Pang told me that "joke"
043. Have you changed this year?
Yeah....some friends that have been with me since primary school think so...
044. What are you listening to right now?
Desperate - Daphne Khoo
045. Are you talking to someone when you doing this?
Kimmy. She's telling me bout her dream last night :D
046. Do you walk with your eyes open or closed?
Opened of course!
047. Is there a quote you live by?
Haha quotes just enter&leave my mind sometimes. But normally i read them on the net.
048. Do you want someone you can't have?
Not really.
049. Have you ever played an instrument?
Piano piano piano & triangle & triangle & triangle & organ & organ & organ & recorder & recorder & recorder.
050. What was the worst idea you've had in week?
051. What were you doing last night at 11.00pm?
Talking to Kim.
052. Are you happy with your love life right now?
053. What song describe your love life?
Many songs :D
054. Does the person know that you like him/her?
055. Who always make you laughs?
Many (:
056. Do you speak other language other than English?
Chinese & Singlish & Jermainish :D
057. Are you blond?
I'm Asian :D
058. What your middle name?
What's that...
059. What are you doing tomorrow?
NDP ):
060. What do you think you are like?
I'm like the milo & chocolate bread that's in my stomach right now.
061. Who will you choose to die with?
I'd rather die alone.
062.Where have you been today?
Lol i'm not allowed to leave the house today
063. What game do you play often?
064. Who are you missing right now?
ccf :D
065. If you've to choose between friends & love, who will you choose?
Friends luh.
066. What are you doing right now?
Haha talking to Sarah while doing this quiz.
067. Which primary school are you from?
KuoChuanPresbyterianPrimary :D
068. Name 3 colours that you like
Blue Green & Black
069. What emotion you like to show?
Haha what's this...? Okay maybe the retarded expression :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
070. What is life to you?
Life is life lah!
071. If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
Talk to God(:
072. Who did you last chat in msn today?
073. Who do you admire the most?
No idea XDD
074. Which month are you born in?
075. How are you feeling right now?
076. What is the time now?
077. Where are you now?
Home :D
078. What colour did you use to dye hair?
Haha i did not dye my hair -.-
079. Why are you doing this test?
I was bored so i got it from Pang's bloggie.
080. What do you do when you're moody?
Listen to slow slow songs!
081. At which age you wish to get marry?
23 :D
082. Who is more important to you? Boyfriend or friends?
083. Do you think you have enough confidence?
don't know.
084. Who is the person you trust the most?
Sarah&Joy&Denise :D
086. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
Have more dreams to come true! Ahaha.
087. What is your goal for this year?
Excel in everythinggg.
088. Do you believe in eternity love?
089. What feeling do you love most?
090. Do you really think its Global Warming now?
Yeah i guess so. I mean like...one of the most worried issues in the world. Lol.
091. What feeling you hate the most?
Feeling low ):
092. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
Yupsss :D
093. Do you believe in God?
094. Who cares for you the most?
095. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Everything means alot to meeeehhhh.
096. What'll you bring when you fight?
Fight...haha i'll bring my mouth. XDD
097. What have you regretted doing in your whole life?
Too many to list.
098. What would you feel that no one no longer cares for you?
I don't get this.
099. What if your stead two-timed you?
Kick him in the nuts & then slap him and make sure i've nothing else to do with him anymore!
100. Love with a guarantee of heartbreak , or never to be loved at all ?
Love with a guarantee of heartbreak. (:
Instructions:Remove 1 question from the above add in your own personal question,and bold it. Next, list 10 people whom you would you want them to do this, at the end of the post. Notify them in their tag box that he/she has been tagged/Pm them at msn.
anybody that feel like doing this, just do it luh.
Okay finally, it's done! &i'm super duper uber duper super happy 'cuz ccf&penguin called me&sarah! Haha but didn't talk much, at least they said they'll call us back later since ahneh is there :D yay. yay. yay. I'm a bit retarded right now but who cares lah! yay. I'm gonna cut my hair soon, somebody just give me suggestions. Haha i shall stop blogging and go and bathe! BYE :D
Thursday, May 29, 2008
&the hearts all over the world tonight.
Okay hello people! I'm extremely high today! Haha, woke up real early for dance & ccf sms-ed me! Weee, it turned out that stupid Brendi was trying to be funny instead! Haha but at least still managed to talk & i didn't care since the message cost was the same rate for me :D Haha. Yayyy. I was high high & real high again. Went to school for dance & met Ellie&Jy at the train station. So waited for Gladys with them, but we were real late already so decided to go back to school.
Haha yes! &JiangLaoShi is still evil&mean! He made me stretch like...wtf. I almost teared alright. How evil can he get, he knows that it's real painful already yet he made me stretch even more! Zzz. &the super bad thing was that XuLaoShi came! Like omg lah, made us do all sorts of funny exercises&stretching till all of us felt really tired. My neck's hurting. Hands are weak. Sigh.. ):
MsTang made the 10 pupils that are performing for the banner thingy to stay back, and so i was late in meeting the girls! Ahh! Met Sarah&Denise and walked to Mac to meet Natalie. Was real late & caused her to be kinda pissed. Sorrrryyy ): Had lunch & AdelinePhua joined us :D Okay i didn't really know her at first, but one thing i know for sure. ILOVEHERLAUGHTER! Haha i sound gay! Ramos got upset 'cuz some idiots made her rush back to school. So me&Sarah accompanied her back(: Sarah gave Ramos this flower, made up of balloons and it just burst on the way back! I finally found out Sarah's weakness...muahaha. :D
Went for combined rehearsal and Ms Sarah Kim was like so cute lah! XDD She was wearing slippers and didn't want teachers to catch her. So she used her 1year old plaster and paste it at any spot of her leg, as an excuse! Haha, went to find Ramos after that. &she was an old lady or something? Haha she had to put on makeup, bun up her hair and her hair was like greyyy!
I think i love Jendy...yes i do! :D She taught me sooo patiently, i mean the Rubik's cube solution. Haha, finally! But still forgot steps here and there. I seem pathetic, yes i am. Our costumes were fugly and we had to change into it, but the seniors wanna design a dance jacket for our performance! I thought it was damn cool so all of us voted for our choices & colours for the jacket. Ahh, i love the spirit (:
I think the seniors are realllllllllllllllllllllllllllll nice sometimes! Went back kinda late since had to practice the banner thingy again. &i had to go to the airport to send my grandma&auntie off to Korea! :D Unfair, i was supposed to be going too! Ahh, many funny stuff happened but sort of a family lame joke kind of thing. So no point posting it, haha.
I'm back home now and good news is that i'm gonna cut my hair! Woohoooooo. I asked Ramos, but she said too expensive XDD Ahhh, &surprisingly Sarah Kim wanna join me, not to cut but to see! Haha okay sounds ridiculous! Anyway, Mosrahlie is the love. Mosrahlie is some random name i created for Ramos Sarah & Natalie :D
Haha i'm chatting with Sarah right now and i miss Moslie. Mos is at Stacey's house and her phone's switched off! Natalie's not online &it's ridiculous if i get her to come online ): Okie, time to sleep :D
Goodnight people! Loves!
Okay just one more hour, and you'll be back in 4 days (:
&shit! There's PTC tomorrow! Sian. Okaysokays, nights :D
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
1.If you were given a choice between friends and love, which will you pick?
2.What do you want the most?
Everything in life to run smoothly & nicely (:
3.Do you believe in afterlife?
Reincarnation ? Not really.
4.Do you hate your friends sometimes?
At certain times when i'm feeling upset or frustrated.
5.What are your life goals?
-good results.
-besties to remain as besties.
-find the best best best boyfriend!
-get good grades for the O's, then find a good job.
-married&have kids.
-enjoy life!
6.Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
Yeah...it's best to stay positive.
7.What impossible things you would wish for?
True friends, true love!
8.Do you believe in eternity love?
Not anymore but i'm trying hard to believe (:
9.Have you broken someone's heart that he/she tried to commit suicide?
I hope not!!!
10.What feeling do you love the most?
-S.H.O.P.P.I.N.G like nobody's business!
-When i'm with my friends
-Having a fun time
-Right beside ccf (:
11.Do you even like to do this quiz, yes/no?
Yeah i'm fine with it since i'm not doing anything right now.
12.What feeling do you hate the most?
Being backstabbed, being cheated on, being lied to.
13.Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
Yeah definitely! Unless the person is not so nice.
14.Is there anything you are looking forward to in the next few weeks?
YEAPS(: Going out with friends, AriseShine concert, &&&...ccf to be back!
15.What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
God Family Friends Music Blogging Dance EatingCheeCheongFan
16.Who do you hope to be always there for you?
I speak to God whenever i'm low &He'll DEFINITELY be there! So does my family&friends as well as YOU!
17.Do you find life meaningless?
Nooooo. I enjoy it totally (:
18.Who do you love the most?
19.What do you love the most that your stead did to you?
Being the only one that understands me more than anybody else does ? &being the one that's always there for me.
20.Are you attached right now?
Instructions: Remove 1 of the questions from above, and add in your personal question, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chatbox that he/she has been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have a blessing from all.
1. sarah
2. denise
3. grace
4. sean
5. gladysSoo.
6. kimberly
7. blah
8. blahblah.
Hmpf. I'm still angry with you over today XP
&i'm gonna post this poem that Joash scanned & sent it to me. I thought it was real sweet & meaningful. Thanks senior! :D 'cuz i was saying how horrible NDP was and he said he wanna scan & send me this poem which he said is " undiscouraging " which means encouraging -.- Lol!
there it is.
i edited the pics i took with them since i was bored in the afternoon(:
you will, when you believe(:
NDP was as sucky as normal. Woke up this morning &took my own sweet time without realising i was late! Hands were feeling real weak 'cuz of the pushups we did! Ahh, dear Joy didn't go to school 'cuz she had a fever. Takecare babe! (: Mr Yeo wasn't around so that Gary Tan guy had to take care of us instead, lol. I had a great time talking to Grace, &yeah sooo happy for her too! :D
Had Pizza Hut for lunch, pretty nice, i mean like what do you expect in an army camp! Lol, 3 drumsticks & few pieces of garlic bread? Chatted with Gladys S. a lil and woohooo, she sort of made my day! :D Sat with her on the bus & talked about stuff. I was way tired & fell asleep, but i was reminded of you, silly! Sigh, come back please. Ahh.
I'm back home and i'm supposed to have tuition but the tuition teacher disappeared! Anyway who cares, i went to sleep & just woke up :D Tried the Rubik's again but cannot ah! Lol!
I shall go rest right now! Dinner soon.
i'm gonna have chee cheong fan for breakfast someday. &you'd better make sure you ta pow back some nice ones for me, specially from taiwan before i smack your face! XDD Weeeee, 5 more days!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
never been without you.
Hey i'm back (:
Before that,
Haha, you're 14! (: Sigh, kinda drifted away after our last netball match right? I kinda miss all the seniors including you! Anyway, i wish you a happy happy blessed birthday & take care alright? LOVEEEEYA! XD
Okay, so i chiong-ed to MRT thinking i was late when i was not! Haha, and on the way, i saw Ms Jackie Chua with her hot guy boyfriend if i'm not wrong! Sigh, KCPPS ):
&when i reached, only a few sec ones were there and i was sweating like some...i don't know? JiangLaoShi is weird today. Very very weird. He became so clown-ish and cracked darn lame jokes. Even made us do stretching & push ups & sit ups till we almost went insane! LaoShi made me do spilt till my legs were almost 180 degrees! &i couldn't hold on to the floor 'cuz he got Gio to pull my hands forward & Jendy to pull my other leg backwards. I was screaming like some animal being tortured okay! So he said *in chinese*
" So is it painful ? "
" Really painful? "
" very! "
" Ok, i'll make you stretch more. Since it's painful, then that's the right way! :D Jendy, pull her legs backwards! "
Like wth can! &we had to do push ups as well as sit ups till the song he played finish, and follow the rhythm. The rhythm was effing fast and the length of the music was damn long. Anybody that stopped gotta have punishments, so i did push ups and kept on persisting and my hands totally went numb when it finished. Urgh.
Started practicing our dance, and LaoShi gave us weird names. Me&JingYing&KeXin were called S.H.E ! Ellie&Gladys were called JolinTsai&JayChou. The rest were Twins, 5566 and lots of rubbish. Don't know what's wrong with him. &we finally got to slack! LaoShi went crappy again, and asked bullshit. But after slacking, he made us dance continuously like crazy ok! Sigh, knew it. Expected it! He made sure each and everyone of us had a big big retarded smile throughout our dance, or else we'd have to keep dancing continuosly. Hot like heck, though the aircon was at 18 degrees!
Went for lunch at J8's foodcourt with JingYing&WenTing. Returned to school after that, combined rehearsal at the hall. But before going up, saw Grace&Joy. Anyway, cheer up Grace(: Leave it to God, He has plans for us. &&&&that that that CCF called me from Taiwan! (: Haha, glad that he was fine and had a short talk for like...57 seconds? And since my bills were sure to explode, no choice but to hang up! Ahhhh.
Me, Ke Xin, Gladys & Ellie were the 4 chosen sec1s to perform some cheena-tic stuff. Had this like lacey thingy to dance about with, super disgusting. Realised i can never be in chinese dance! Jendy taught me a lil on the Rubik's and i could do it. But now, i totally forgot all the steps. Sigh, this is crap. Stayed back to practice on that cheena thing again 'cuz MsTang wanted to see.
Went home..
ALONE... ):
&i wonder how are you...i miss you so much.
the reason why.
Alright, just a short lil post before i go to school, gotta dance. Haha, not really in the high me today. I shall keep quiet :D Kinda tired since i didn't even sleep well last night, so it was just 6 hours of sleep? Okay not so bad. Okay i gotta go dry my hair & prepare to leave the house.
Sarah, if you see this, sms me. I might not reply but i'll try to. 12 plus, lunch together k? Tkcare babe(: I've got lots to tell you, before i go crazy soon.
Shall post again later in the night, and that is if i have the time! Haha, okay, byee(:
Monday, May 26, 2008
feel the love is waiting.
What an awful day! ): Alright i shan't make it sound so pathetic 'cuz i gotta be happy :D
Yesterday night, had some sort of argument with Sarah! First time ever in life that we quarrelled! Phoo, my fault ): Got so impatient and started getting frustrated. But i thought that i did hurt her real deep, so apologised. Haha, thank God we're fine now! &had some crap talk with my dear Ramos! Ohmygosh, i shall post her crap! Haha, iloveeeeeeeee them :D
Denise : Do you know what's stupid man in chinese?
Jerm : Ben nan ren?
Denise : No! It's Dum Fuk ( Dumb Fck) , get it?! :DDD
Jerm : ... Denise ah Denise! R u okay ? -.- I think you're kinda retarded today.
Denise : Wait, then do you know what's great in chinese?
Jerm : Hen hao ?
Denise : NOOO! Lol! It's Fa-Kin-Su-Pah ( Fcking Super. ) Hahahaha.
Jerm : -.-!!!
Denise : Then hor, what's did you go to the beach in chinese?
Jerm : Ni you mei you qu sha tan?
Denise : NOOOOOOOOO! It's, Wai-Yu-So-Tan ( Why you so tan ) !! HAHAHA.
Jerm : Hahahahah.
Denise : What is, that's not right in chinese ?
Jerm : Na ge bu dui ?
Denise : Noooo! It's, Sum-Ting-Wong ( Something wrong ) LOL!
Jerm : Hahaz, you're crazy!
Denise : Then then, what is, this a tow away zone in chinese?
Denise : It's, No-Pah-King ( No parking ) !!! Hahahaha.
Jerm : Okay i gotta go sleep babe! :D Hahaha, any others just tell me tomorrow :D sleep tight & don't let the bed bugs get 'cha!
Uber cute(: Hahaz...kinda cheered me up for that moment!
Today sucked. Yes it sucked. Ahhh. Had breakfast with Sarah&YeeTat, Brenwin was supposed to come along but somehow he overslept -.- So yeah, talked a lil and went to the coffeeshop instead of Macdonald's. &&...haha :X Lols. Oh yeah, the basketballers are leaving for Taiwan today, take care peeps! (:
NDP was totally shit, went to Bedok Camp for the rehearsal and the weather was darn hot. I'm kind of chao tao, ahh. Had KFC for lunch since the army thingy sponsored us. Wasn't in the mood, got kinda moody thanks to the weather. Slept in the bus till we reached YCK. Haha, couldn't wait to get home to sleep! I shall sleep later :D
There's dance tomorrow. Sigh, 9 to 12, 2 to 6. Pathetic, i'm gonna be uber tired! My best friend's back. And it's none other than headache. Argh,
i want to go to their concert ): Somebody get my the tickets please! Ahhh.
i'm going insane. Haha, shall end here now.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
you're my sweetest drug.
Sunday. Praise the Lord[:
I'm bored to death right now. There's nothing for me to do): Oh yeah, there's work! Haha shall do it later. My mum just made some sushi for lunch. &made some peach jelly for snack. Oh my gosh, what else. Yup, i drank 1 bottle of MeiJi Chocolate milk too. Today's post is real pathetic, i'm drinking plain water right now. Tomorrow's the day. Meeting peeps for breakfast tomorrow, NDP after that. Urgh. I sound so dead. But who cares. I just changed my blogskin. Looks ugly. I don't know. This is getting lame. I shall end here. Bye peeps.
<3cheecheongfannnnnnnn ):
Saturday, May 24, 2008
my hope, is found in you(:
It's another Saturday, a week has passed. &two more days. Boohoo. I'm alone in the room, changing to another blogskin while listening to TakeABow-Rihanna. Great song (:
I was at Bugis Junction with my family just now, ate at MOF &walked around. Looked for phones and NONE of them were nice! Gah, boring. Today's gonna be another boring&lonely day again.
Cya peeps.
Friday, May 23, 2008
i gave you my all.
Haha, i didn't blog yesterday :D &i'm uber lazy. Today was great. Okay maybe horrible but it's great still!
I told him i'd thank him, &make it bright red as well. Haha, bet he feels damn honoured right now -.- He gave me a kinder bueno 'cuz he had cough, can't eat. Omg, chocolates! <33
So i savoured the chocolates during the show, in the dark dark hall! Haha i hope nobody saw! Oh btw. We watched Coach Carter. Great show(: Or should i say excellent show! Recess was fine, except that Alvin Heng got scolded by me. People that saw should know why, urgh -.-
Was supposed to do some cleaning for classroom. &Mr Lim(DM) Super cute la! Hahaha, he said " Ahya the classroom too clean already, don't need to clean. Come, let's go hall watch another movie. " Hahaha, we watched FINDING NEMO!
But before that, Jovi read out the letter that Ms Claudia wrote for us. So sweet(: Then Mr Ng gave me a lollypopppyyy 'cuz gotta A2 for history. Yay. Watched Finding Nemo, 6th time i'm watching it. If i'm not wrong. I laid on Grace, ahaha. ILOVEYOUBABE ;D
Left for lunch @ the kopitiam with Sarah, Patricia, Melina. Ate Meehoonkuay & ice kachang (: Some stuff happened afterwards...&did i mention that my phone's spoilt! Urgh, lucky there's still the spare phone. I'm way pathetic without a phone.
XuLaoShi came today, & what the heck. I had to do 20 push ups 'cuz of being late! Aww. JiangLaoShi's mood wasn't very good ): Scolded many of us, and the right part dancers had to dance like so many times! Evil. Waited for Wei Ning to come, but she didnt' appear until we went to the MRT. &stayed back for some other reasons too...things turned out ugly ): Was uber down & when i saw Denise, was like super duper happy. 'Cuz she was the only big jie jie that can undersand (:
So we saw Wei Ning & catched up lots(: Haha, went to the foodcourt to meet family for dinner! &chiong-ed home to get my spare phone! No phone i will die can.
Some stuff happened. But it's over now(: Haha, alright i'll go sleep right now. &Natalie is uber caring :D Hahahah. My PM at first was " Leave me alone" She told me say she don't want leave me alone. Then she said she was caring! Haha *pukes* XP
Ramos! You're loved too (:
*monday! yay! (: *
Pang: NVM LAH (: Hahaha, you rock buddy ;D
Jas : IMY TOO ): Yup gonna fix my links soon! ahaha, takcare ya?
Kim : 'cuz of DAVID COOK?! Ahaha, alright :P What bout Gabriel! Evil :D
WilliBro: Hey thr(: Hahaz, ya i thought u say damn ugly -.- XD I gonna change it soon! Walaoe so good, i wanna go com lab ):
Denise : GOT !!! Haha, what that person! Smack you ar! XD I'll chat with u on msn luh :D ILYBABE.
Sarah : lalala. im not angry lah (: im nice u noe! so fast forget ah :D
Kexin : Hey dancer :D Hahaz nth's up? Lol! Takecare ;D
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
you're not evil(:
Haha i'm evil, haven't blogged for two days! Didn't mean to, haha i was fixing my dear blog. &what the hell, it's still screwed! Urgh. Forget it -.- I'm kinda lazy to post about yesterday, 'cuz my memory's getting worser these days. So yeaps, just gonna post about today& continue fixing my blog ;D
Today morning was spent at the chapel basement, talking about the science project that's gonna be done during the holidays. Gotta get into groups of 5, and somehow KaLam's in our group. &we were kind of mean and started cracking mean jokes which i think was so wrong of us. Haha, shan't say it(: After that, i thought it was recess & looked at that damn clock. &one more hour to recess. Had this dialogue session crap, okay not totally crap. Students had to give suggestions to help the school improve, like air-conditions in classrooms & stuff. I thought it was kinda cool since students voiced out and gave opinions, LOL. The DM, Mr Lim, is super duper damn damn cute can! Haha, don't look like a DM to me. Big big joker ;D
Had recess *yay* &yeah! We were planning to design a class tee for 6Excellence'07, haha. Although we've graduated, they're really one of the closest to me. Hope the plan succeeds! Went off for DISC profile. 'Haha thought it would be boring but turned out quite fun (: The speaker was " BOSS " &what a great sense of humour. I'm an I, and one of the more crazy kind of people. The BOSS was reading my graph and his reaction was like
I went " 0.0 " Haha. Ended school &i'm happy 'cuz my art gotta A2 :D Finally two As. Okay pathetic, yes i know. Lol, went to have lunch &went for dancedancedance :D Today's dance was super idiotic okay! The floor was effing slippery & i kept slipping and falling. Jiang Lao Shi noticed my mistakes &kinda got a "scolding". Lol. I don't know! Completely strange today! Zomg lah, keep slipping, dance till sian.
Went home& blahblahblah. Headache again. Shit.
End here, post tomorrow. &there's tuition tomorrow, ahhh.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
/till i can't see myself.
I don't know what's wrong with me today. I feel weird, inside. Nah, not any of those moodswings but argh. There's just something in my mind that makes me feel that way, kind of affecting my thinking&mood; just that i can't figure out what it is.
Went to Orchard today& it was my last day out, 'cuz been going out too much, parents not very happy with that. Wasn't really in the fun mood today. I'm sorry guys, i know i wasn't really high as i normally would be.
Cineleisure, lol nothing much. Denise went hunting @ NewUrbanMale for hot guys, haha. &the show was well...okay, not very good though. Expected ending, LOL. I was totally disgusted at the *youknowwhat* parts. Went around HMV & Denise spotted this hawt caucasian. Lol, not bad. &she went insane alright! Haha she kept looking for him after we bumped into him for like, 3 times? Lol. Slacked around blahblahblah & i went home.
Jermaine, you seriously gotta wise up right now. Any wrong decision, that's it. If i'm gonna succumb to peer pressure, like what Sarah said, i think it would turn out horribly. All that i'm doing now is causing more and more pain to you, i really wish that i could end this. What am i actually thinking, i guess i gotta make a wise choice. Should have never gotten myself falling deeper till i don't even know what i'm doing right now. I need guidance from You, Lord. I know, i wouldn't wanna turn back & realise how dumb or silly i was. Neither do i wanna regret anything. If only i stayed firm in my decision.Blame myself for letting my emotions run wild without thinking carefully. It just comes&goes, perhaps i gotta understand myself more, &yeah, tell you my answer soon. But it's not the right time. &i'm still figuring out what's on my mind. I'm sorry if anything turns out wrong, i just thought i needed you to understand. I'm gonna leave things into Your hands Lord. I know You've plans for us.
I love this song in my blog(: Haha i thought the lyrics were meaningful.
Sometimes it feels no one understands
I don't even know why
I do the things I do
When pride builds me up till I can't see my soul
Will you break down these walls and pull me through
boreddddd :X
Alright i'm still having a splitting headache. So i've decided to rest at home to rot by the laptop instead of going shopping. Unexpected eh? Haha yah, i think so too -.- I just read Sarah's blog. &omg, their jersey so nice): Haha, and it just reminded me of posting the pictures! I totally forgot about it. Ahh.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
lips of an angel! XP
Haha sorta crazy over that song lately. Weeeeee. Today was kinda boring, went to Suntec City. Nothing much though, and came back. Reasoned out with that random girl in 1Compassion. Lols. Okay. Finished. Bye peeps.
*where's my chee cheong fan ah! ):
&&& Gladys told me something uber funny yesterday. Alex kanna DC 'cuz he nicknamed Mdm Afrose into Mdm Ah frog. Hahaha i was laughing my ass off! XP
Friday, May 16, 2008
dance laugh dance ;D
I think these days, dance really makes me happy :D Haha. Morning was kinda normal, just that i was super tired and got up with red eyes. &Jovi told u s some stuff, haha. False alarm, no fun ): So gave the retarded smile to Joy when i saw her, and she started laughing for no reason. Haha, ilovemybestie ;D
Lau is at NanJing right now, that explains why my mornings are fantastic! Haha, urgh. Don't like it when he gets naggy. Talking about NanJing, i hope they are having fun :D We had this stupid workshop that's gonna last till next Thursday. It's on some crappy security thing, so boring can. Was sleeping when that stupid guy came over and kicked my chair, asking me to pay attention. Spent it by listening to music and walking around the school, don't know what was the talk for. Waste of my time!
After school, went to have lunch at the BBT with Sarah. &talked lotssss ;D Haha. I rushed to dance! I thought i was late but JiangLaoShi was still outside, with this ZhangLaoShi, lol was it? Haha, JiangLaoShi is getting nicerrrrrr. Yay. Lucky XuLaoShi didn't come! Or else all of us would die immediately, especially when so many people not around. Only 13 dancers! Whoa.
During dance, it was super funny lah! JiangLaoShi keep matchmaking Joshua&Wendy 'cuz when the girls were dancing, and Joshua was supposed to notice all of our mistakes. Out of all 3 times, he only noticed Wendy and that was like kinda strange. We played this " game ". Kinda stupid but some sort on luck also. Joshua had to keep dancing, and everybody must point out at least one mistake each. Whoever doesn't know, or says it wrong, will have to dance over and over again. Haha, super funny! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee, i kinda miss the noise created during dance ):
I went home pretty early, like 5 15pm? &this post was supposed to be posted in the afternoon. But i fell asleep and only woke up at 945pm. Ahaha, so i'm back blogging right now. Me&Denise&Sarah kind of reasoned and talked sense into this random nobody. She doesn't know how serious things can get by flamming people using blogs. Lol. So glad that there isn't any NDP practice tomorrow! I'm gonna have a good night's sleep :D
Ohkay. Goodnite people. &yeaps, you're in my prayers! Definitely besties ;DD
Thursday, May 15, 2008
results. its really the hate.
Results! Results! Results! Results!
----------------------------i did uber badly.----------------------------------
Urgh. Okay before i jump off to that, hmm...Morning was fine, was it? Come to think about it, i kinda forgot! Ahaha. First period was in the hall, 'cuz the entire 1Exp had to go through the English paper. My marks for Paper 1 was so crappy, just passed by a few marks! It was Paper 2 that pulled me up. I gotta freaking B3! Urgh. &&&we didn't know how to calculate, so me, Joy, Grace, Gladys each calculated that all of us had A1! Haha nonsense, we dream BIG ;D
Went for recess after that, nothing much happened...LOL. &weeeeeeee went to AVA room for our History paper! Mr Ng was late and took a darn long time to come up. So the KCP gang was having so much fun together (: It's been a long time since i felt so great when i was with them. Haha, their jokes & laughter brightens my day up, a lot! :D
Mr Ng came and we got back our papers. Weeeeeee, i was so worried that i would fail okay! History was not as bad as English. A2? 58/80. The only thing i was pissed about was that i only needed one more mark to A1 ! Urgh, 1mark was easy to find, yet i couldn't find any -.- Kinda desperate.
After that Mr Chua came in to go through with the D&T students. There wasn't any HomeEcons teacher available, so had this weird cher. Lol i gotta beautiful C5 :D And zomg, that _____&____ . Act cool. Eeeeeew.
Went to our chinese classes. The teacher was very " proud " of our class, 'cuz out of the whole class, only 2 people passed! I was one of the failures, no need to ask also know...Gotta 34 /100. I know it's pathetic. My front page was like
&SiYu sang Old Macdonalds' had a farm, out of the blue ohkays! All of us were laughing our heads off lah. Teacher didn't calculate properly, i added two marks :D Which is 34. But add also no use, still fail. Considering to drop HMT, it's tough!
After chinese, went to have lunch with Sarah&Patricia&the guys. & stuff happened which completely pissed me off. Urgh don't talk about it anymore! Lol...
Went for dance, haha it was great since i haven't seen my dance mates for soooo long! & it was great dancing again :DD We went to the hall to rehearse for the concert, and the volleyball girls were there which makes it so scary! Haha, oh, Sarah! ILOVEYOU ;DD Haha, kinda miss volleyball when i saw them playing. Lols, nvm, dance shall be my main love!
Reached homeee & i forgot what i did :X Ohoh, this post was supposed to be posted yesterday but i was way tired & fell asleep early :D
Haha ILOVETODAY! We had to go to the chapel basement to get our results, and yeaps. Mine turned out crap. I did horribly for my maths 'cuz careless mistakes & lost marks thanks to no working&statement -.- And Mr Tan marked wrongly, so i had to minus one mark. Haha, being dishonest is not nice!
Science, haha. YAY, i added 3 marks 'cuz Shaun Tan didn't calculate properly okay! &he gave me the " are you sure " look. I proved him wrong and used a calculator :D Omg Denise! He's cuter than Gary lahh! Haha. Went for D&T. Haha 'cuz no Home Econs teacher around. &i agree with them! Mr Chua rocks lah! Zomg! We were slacking and using handphones&Mp3 players, he didn't even scold! Like wth, so niceeeee <3 oh>
Dismissed early. :D Yay, and we waited for JingYing 'cuz we thought we had to! Like zomg? In the end she was at the BBT. Ahh. Jovi was damn cute today lah, he came running to me telling me about Josh&Wayne&Jk 'cuz some gangsters around sort of disturbed them. He was sweating and talking so fast till the twins also said he spoke like a machine gun. Haha, thank God nothing much happened to the three of them! Phew.
Brendi was uber duper cute at the BBT when he saw Denise. 'Cuz Jin Yi was around too, and since Denise said she'd give him her answer after school, Brendi told Denise since she seem kind of stuck. He said " Ahya don't need to think. One word, N, O, NO. You get rejected 5 times before, 1more time won't die one lah. " We were laughing like hell lah. Haha.
While having lunch, someeeeeeee stuff happened which is so not possible for me to post it :D I might get killed! Haha. WEEEE ;DD
Went for performing arts rehearsal in the hall. Haha, scary but fun :D I don't know what's so funny but all of us could see the audience laughing. &&&! Thanks to my dear Grace, hmpf. She " betrayed " me. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. Hahaz so went home @ 5 30.
&one dumb thing happened. I was on the train with Jing Ying, and my mum suddenly called. I expected just a " where are you now? " but in the end she shouted over the phone " Where are you now? I want you to come back straight home right now! Pass me your laptop later, i'm not gonna let you use it anymore. You&Jolene are really getting out of hand! "
I was sort of dumbfounded 'cuz i was totally lost lah. My reaction went like " WTH IS HAPPENING? WTH DID I DO? WTH IS SHE TALKING ABOUT? WTH WTH! " I couldn't wait to reach home to ask them clearly. So that's when i found out that my sister lied to my parents that she has dance till 5pm. But she went to her friend's house to play instead. &she knew my mum wouldn't allow so she decided to lie, urgh.
My grandma got worried 'cuz she waited for a long time outside the school, and my mum got worried too. So called up the school and found out that there wasn't any dance practice. Yeaps, so she got found out and had a hugeeee scolding. Which i don't know why it involves me -.- She told my mum " Jiejie also blahblahblah " Parents then warned me to not lie to them that i gotta CCA, but i go out with friends instead. I was like -.- Helloooo! Whoa, lucky laptop or phone wasn't gone! Made me panicked. Ahh.
I'm talking to Chu right now, and she's gonna leave for NanJing tomorrow ): TAKE CARE & ENJOY URSELF BABE ;D Another person leaving. Damn it. My cousins, Chu, and err....Anyway, ILOVECHU ;D
Haha...i gotta sleep in 5minutes time! Pathetic right! My mum said i had to, ahh. Yay. Dance again tomorrow. I'm having muscle ache ah. Ouchhh, okays.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
i'm soooo tired.
Haha. I'm back :D Was at Sentosa just now. &i'm super duper super duper tired right now. Can't believed there's school tomorrow! Ahh, just finished the MLG crap. Bullshit.
I woke up at 6 plus, then slept again. Woke up at 7, slept again. Woke up at 715, slept again. Woke up at 7 29 and decided not to sleep anymore :D Lol the MLG was crap. &i got fckng irritated thanks to some people. Damn it man. Big thanks to Jovi, for telling me how the damn thing works!
We did till around 12, and since Denise called the school up. Mr Tan answered and said that it's gonna be very laggy, and that there's not really any deadline. As long as we submit it by today :D I made stupid suggestions to them, was like " Omg! Let's go Sentosa NOW! " Ahaha. Nobody believed me and finally they did! First time i was so fast, chiong-ed like siao. Bathe, lunch, pack stuff. So when i reached, Denise & Sarah took the wrong train 'cos they thought i was coming from the other direction -.- So they asked me to count which door of the train i'm at, haha.
Met them and chat lots on the train! 'Cos we actually finished everything within such a short period of time! Haha. Met the guys since they were together at Dhoby Ghaut. How do you spell it? Lol. Dumb name. Thenn thenn thenn Denise was uber funny 'cuz we were looking for them. &it was very crowded, Denise suddenly shouted " I saw my Panty (Brendi) ! " Hahaha! The woman behind her was staring at her. Lmao! Boarded the train to Harbourfront & yay. Reached!
Thought it would be like 2 plus already, zomg? 1 18pm! Haha i still can remember the timeeee. I was damn fckinggggggggggggg high i tell you! Wahaha like some animal that hasn't been let out for ages! I mean like, Sentosa lehh. I haven't been there for so long! The guys wanted to ride on the Luge at first, but went to the beach first. I went INSANE. Threw out stuff aside and started playing! Haha. At first it wasn't really fun, i mean like, " warm up session "! Lols so crap. Toured around and realised the stuff was effing expensive.
We went to the Luge since the guys wanted to ride on it. I wanted to also! Just that neither Sarah or Denise wanted ): Ahaha, so okays, skip it then. Twins wanted to go so desperately, and both of them looked damnnnnnn gay when they were together! Haha. Two guys going up the " so called cable car " and being so happy. Ah Woo followed them up too. Hahaz so left me, 2girlfriends & Yee tat. &Denise was pulling up her top, and Yee Tat's reaction was like " EH DENISE, GOT TOILET THERE, GO THERE CHANGE LAH. GOT A GUY HERE LEH, WALAOE! "
Hahaha, &they finished the ride so came down. So started worrying about what's gonna happen to them, since they decided to skip training. I bet ah neh's gonna scold them like heck tomorrow! & twins might be kicked out of the team...Zomg he's so mean. Haha we were all thinking of crappy excuses, super crappy. What birthday party in Pulau Ubin, all the nonsense. Lol.
Okay so had some crap time and went to Vivo for lunch :D Was at the foodcourt and that's when my two girls got emo): Wapiangehhh, freaky okay! Out of a sudden both were so low & started crying. Obviously i got worried and totally stunned 'cuz i don't know what the heck happened! &i was the only high one over there. & couldn't stop smiling, so i told the guys " Okay i feel so left out. I wanna cry. Boohoooo. "
Omg lah. Freakyyy! I accompanied them to " shop ". Not really shopping, i pulled them into Candy Empire and wanted to treat them to sweets 'cuz i think sweets can help to cheer them up :D So i was all high, and both of them low. &i said funny stuff ( which ain't funny ) &started laughing at my own jokes. -.- I felt retarded and ahhh! The sweets were so expensive okay! And since both of them also don't want candies, left the shop & went back :D
Finally, they were better and started laughing. Soooo happy. Shared a Honeydew Sago with my two girlfriends! Haha. Went back to Sentosa & fcking hell! Gotta buy a new ticket! Okays fine. Wanted to go to explore the Merlion but somehow we forgot to stop at the station :X Haha. Went back to the beach instead.
This time it was fun! :D The guys were trying to trip each other, so they would be covered with sand, ahahah! Chasing each other like some small boys! Lols. They even played this " Oh yah bei yah som " game to see who would be buried. Freakingly childish but damn cute. So none of them wanted to be buried, and started arguing, finally, Brenwin was the victim! Lol.
All of us buried him in sand, and out of a sudden, there was a cockroach and Yee Tat was talking about it. The cockroach was just beside Brenwin, 'cuz he was buried, and he just jumped up and ran to the other side! Ahahah, 'cuz he's afraid of cockroaches! All of us laughed our asses off okay! Hahahaha!
They went swimming & i bet they regretted 'cuz their pants were translucent when they came out of the water. Lol so me&sarah&Denise were sort of covering our eyes and went like "OKAY I NEVER SEE ANYTHING :D "
YeeTat&Brendi had to buy pants 'cos it was tooooo wet& was translucent. Haha we chose this bright red one for them :D &started dressing them up in bikinis & girls stuff! Wahaha. Walked around the shops and couldn't find any suitable pants for them, so didn't buy in the end.
It was getting lateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. So decided to take pictures before we went home. &there was one picture where Brendi&Jang Wook looked like they were fcking each other...haha. Even asked the lady from the Something( is it songs? ) of the Sea to help us take the pictures. Lol!
We took train back to Vivo City & Yee Tat had to meet his mother. All of us stood in one corner as if we don't know him 'cuz they wanted to see how his mum looked like. Haha, train-ed home(:
It was really dark when i walked home alone :X Walked real fast and started to run yah! Scary sia! Urgh. &there was this man behind me, okay i was being sensitive and thought he was stalking me -.- Turned out that he did not, heng ah.
I'm backkk home already and my phone bill just arrived. Beautiful :D a freaking $136 'cuz of 2700 ++ smses. NICE ;DD Haha. Mum didn't really scold which is like...so weird can! Okay i think i'd better cut down on my massive sms-ing addiction! I'm super tired right now, and what a long day it was. Gotta go rest :D Haha, yuck...school, i'm scared....gonna receive results tomorrow! Shit i bet i'm gonna do badly :X
Goodnite peeps :D
*yay there's dance tomorrow, right? I want yet don't want. URGH.
//pictures still with Denise. I'll post tomorrow bah (:
Monday, May 12, 2008
It's 11pm right now. &i still don't know why i don't wanna sleep although i gotta wake up early to do the stuff on MLG. Ha, second post. I feel like smacking and whacking stuff or people right now. So not in the mood for anything except for talking to Denise. Thanks my dear! (:
Damn it i don't know what to do now. Just kinda disappointed, i'm gonna scream like fck tomorrow. Denise! ILY ;D
Oh and, Natalie, if you ever see this, yeah i hope you do.
We're sorry...
happy belated mum's day :D
Oh oh, i just remembered to post about Mother's Day yesterday :X
Haha, I went to FarEast flora and spent my precious $15 for a bouquet of roses? carnations? what's that anyway. That was the 2nd last bouquet yah! 'Cos many were sold out. Lol i'm lucky :D I presented it to Mom and i was like kinda pai seh. LOL.
Had steamboat for dinner. Whoaaaa, ohkay. Not bad :D Haha, finished up my art flair and talked to Sarah over
something? I'm glad she's happy now :D
Today was err, nuts. Especially the drama part. Haha, recess was freaky lah. Denise confronted Isabelle, and they sort of thrased things out. Big misunderstanding man, hope things are better. Cheer up Denise! :D
Had to stay in class to fix the art board thingy. &Ah Woo came with Brendi to disturb Benjamin. I think Benjamin got real pissed, and said " Sucky people with stupid attitude. I hate them to the core. " Blahblah. Lol they almost got into a fight 'cuz Ah Woo went to smack Benjamin's head. Haha.
Went to the hall to be prepared for the performance with Joy. Urgh, real crappy. Kinda anxious and okay, it turned not too good...not too bad either. I just think all of us lost face thanks to that! I hate drama to the core. Especially the HMT enrichment programme thing. Stayed back in school to discuss about tomorrow's outing with Sarah & the rest. I don't think it would be a success! Haha, i hope it is. Thanks to the stupid IT day, plans gotta be changed!
I'm soooo tired right now. &i was thinking about crap stuff and i fell asleep. Haha, having a horrible flu which includes many pieces of tissues. &i'm feeling sleepy again. I might doze off any minute :D
Bye people. Goodnights.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
MarioVazquez is <3ed!
Zomg i think i'm crazy about MARIO VAZQUEZ! Omg omg. &i bought his album yesterday :D Haha ohkay that's how efficient i am! I just realised i didn't post yesterday, lol.
Hmm...went Junction 8 for lunch before parents sent me to school for NDP -.- So yeah, ate at the new food court. Like zomg? Kinda nice, i mean the renovation and stuff. Haha &walked around to get stuff. Sis bought her sandles from charles&keith and i thought it was niceee :D Reached school, haha. BroWilli treated me to a bottle of drink! And i was uber happy 'cos he finally stopped dao-ing me. Wahaha, bro, YOU ROCK ;DD
NDP was sucky lah. I thought Jeffrey wouldn't come but he came ): Yesterday's rehearsal was like...so lame and boring. Oh oh, from the next rehearsal onwards, we gonna go Bedok Camp or something to practice. Wth. I don't wanttttttttttt. Took measurements for costume & supposed to take a cab home, but woohoo. Daddy came to fetch me.
So i stayed at home tryna finish my Art Flair worksheet, haha. Kinda crappy, drew the Singapore Flyer! Looks damn retarded, some strings with big big square boxes...LOLS. &i think i was nuts and started talking about rubbish. &that rubbish 'cause people to be upset ): Argh, i felt uber mean. Haha so went to sleep, hoping that i'll forget about everything today!
I didn't sleep well &turned out having swollen&tired eyes. Family decided to go Takashimaya since they wanna buy stuff for their Korea trip. *Envy* Just because of the NDP practices & school concert i can't go anywhere! Urgh...I think i'm nuts today. I ate soooooooo much! Haha, sushi craze XD
My eyes are uber painful right now. I always feel horrible when i don't sleep well, and triple eyelids start to appear! Okay it's really red. Gah. I'll stop my post right now :D
goody goody gdbye :D
Friday, May 9, 2008
novena triangle circle square
Dum dee hey. I changed my skin again 'cos i thought the previous one was gay&lame. Haha, i thought the background was nice :D
Today morning&afternoon was GREAT :D Haha...was uber duper uber duper low at first. But got happier(: Oops :X
Edited my blog and rotted at home, went to Tan Tock Seng to see some distant newborn cousin. Lol. Rotted there again and went to Novena Square. Kinda crappy, nothing much. That's my pathetic day. I think i'm in love with Mario Vaquez. I'm gonna get his album although i know it's real old, zomg he's teh love. (:
These lyrics are from the song, wahaha i love it!
I didn't appreciate even when you walked away.
I didn't realize that you were the one thing
I should've kept 'part of me.
And baby I just can't deal without you.
You're all I need.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
ugly; pretty day(:
Haha today was meaningful, very very meaningful. So i woke up real early and went online. Informed Brendi about the details for today, and he was like damn cute can. Lols, Denise' Panty! Hahaha! So i went to meet Sarah, Denise, Patricia, Yee Tat, Twins, Daniel, Nethanel outside the cinema :D Haha and saw some of their mayflower friends.
Parents called me not very long later. Started scolding and shouting over the phone till i didn't really bother explaining myself although i've been accused. Lol not as if this is the first time, didn't wanna quarrel so i just kept my mouth shut. But somehow i got really disappointed & pissed. And felt like crying...My day was spoilt, totally! First time ever i got shouted over the phone like that, over a small lil matter. &they should know really clear that i'm totally not interested in having a boyfriend at this age right now. They didn't like my dressing, especially shorts. I thought since it was just AMK hub there wasn't a need to wear nicely. At all!
Thanks Sarah, for accompanying me all over AMK to look for shorts. Damn it, i love you to bits sis! (:
Dad ringed me up again, and started explaining about their intention and stuff. I don't care already, whenever they get pissed at me or something, they've never understood how i felt, or stood in my position before. I wanted to tell them sooo much that i miss 'em like fck ok! Even though their just beside me when i see them! To me now, my family's like just a family. It's no longer as sweet as i thought it was. Now i don't even have time to go out with them, thanks to NDP. Urgh...so since Mum said don't need to buy shorts, i went back with Sarah.
I felt like crying, looked uber sian. Oh, thanks Sarah, Denise, Patricia, Yee Tat, Brenwin! I'm fine (: Haha they were uber duper sweet, some asked me if i was fine& some comforted me :D Thanks guys! Weeeeee. So there was this small lil toddler roaming around aimelessly, and all of us were kinda touched by the twins' actions! Haha, maybe not me, 'cos my mind was thinking of stuff instead. The rest were amazed. They looked like father & son can, haha could see that they loveeee kids alot. So we reported it to some security guard and yups, done.
They decided to go to Mac to play the disgusting dice game! Haha, but i didn't play 'cos it's EFFING sick man...we chatted and Denise broke down 'cos she had many problems and really seemed upset and troubled. I felt like a loser at that point of time, my situation was not as bad as her, yet i was already feeling so troubled. I didn't feel like doing anything at all...four of us just sat there, quiet. Ahhh, but we decided to go back to the cinemas after that.
Lol saw Elaine. Oh, we watched What Happens In Vegas. It's one of the greatest show :D Iloveit! Was kinda low, but started laughing and was cheered up after the movie(: Oh, and to YOU, don't have to worry about me. I'M OKAY! ;D Haha. The movie was so so so nice. Peeps should go catch it! ;D
The guys went off for basketball just a few minutes before the show ended, haha 'cos Nethanel was feeling damn kan cheong already. &they had punishment 'cos of us, they were late :X I think ah neh made them run 20 rounds before and after training, which is like 40 rounds! Lol! Sorry guys!
We were slacking around and since i had to be home by 4, i went back early. Bought sushi to bring home, and i went back alone. Many things went through my mind, i didn't feel like going home but too bad i had to. Kept playing Gotta Go My Own Way, nono, i'm not thinking about love or stuff. Just felt like listening to it. &i felt sooooo alone for a moment ):
Reached home and didn't say a word. Even if i did, one or two words. Haha & parents called to check on me, was giving short replies and i seriously don't feel like talking to them today. Dad said that they're taking leave off tomorrow to bring me out, i'm like " ok" " ya " " don't know. " " bye" Zzz, and greeted Mum once. Or maybe, that was the only time i talked to her. She tried speaking to me but all i did was look at her, and look back, continue blogging. Dinner at the dining table was pretty silent, for me at least. Weird that i didn't speak at all. Just started scolding my sis over stuff. Man, i don't want this. But i just can't bring myself to speak to them today, i need to cool down, still.
I need You, Lord ):
I'm tired right now. Seriously. Shall stop blogging and find more constructive things to do. I'm gonna pon drama tomorrow, haha nice. Kays,

this is why i say that girlfriends is teh
love (:
Evian tagged me to do this quiz. Haha, i shall talk about my day after this quizzz (: Oh yeah, changed skin! Haha.
Name 20 people you can think of right now.
Don't read the questions till you've named the 20 people.
At the end of this, choose 5 people to do this.
1. Sarah
2. Yong Hui
3. Wei Ning
4. Denise
5. Patricia.
10.Gladys S.
11.Chu Yi
12.Yee Tat
13.Hui Tien
14.Rachel S.
how did you meet #14?
Haha uhm, when i entered PHS. Zomg she's one of my besties already. LOL! :D
what would you do if you didn't meet #1
No best girlfriend&sister! Haha, err can't go shopping, girltalks. Yah yah things like that :D
what if #9 and #20 dated?
nah, evian got xin ai de ren le :X
will #6 and #17 date?
They're senior&junior ley! Haha, but possible :X
describe #3
(wei ning)
sweet(: haha nice to talk to. &can get emo sometimes :X
describe #7
IDIOTIC :D but nice. Lol.
know any of #12 family members?
(yee tat)
nah, LOL only heard him talking about his brother&mum.
what will you do if #18 confesses to you that he likes you?
Hahaha siao! Nah she's my senior :D &i'm straight...
what language does #15 speak?
english? LOL, sound like the blur kind :X
who is #9 going out with?
nobodyyyy, but...:X
how old is #16 ?
13 !
when is the last time you spoke to #13?
(hui tien )
Ytd during drama.
who is #2 favourite band / singer?
likes many chinese alien singers .
you ever date #4?
YUP, today. Haha kidding! If i could, i would okay!
would you ever date #1?
OF COURSE. But...haha.
#19 single?
Nono, she's attached to GABRIEL(:
what's #10 last name?
would you ever be in a relationship with #11?
(chu yi)
Of course i'd love to! Haha (:
school of #3?
(wei ning)
zhonghua sec(:
where does #6 live?
beside my block LOL
whats your favourite thing about #5?
she's uber unique, funny& adorable :D
have you seen #2 naked?
(yong hui)
no! Even though i noe her for 8 years! Lol.
5 people to do the survey:
KimJuEun, you're in :D
Ramos, you're next :D
Chu, haha third! :D
Sean, go bestie. DO IT :D
Rachel, wahaha pretty pls? :D
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
ramos&kim! <3
I'm back to myself, ahahah! YAYYY. Exams are over. Oh baby, yeah! :D I'm super duper happy right now, yes super duper! :D Today was art. I thought art was simply a waste of my sweet timeeeeeee! Okay so the prep work was shitty manz jfirfifhwcwrnthniewiwerjowqriowqurogfofjgkpwpoqjandutiotoypyhkvmcnzsbywrugoshofgjgkwe...
&this morning me, jy, the two jks, alvin, jovi, were looking at each other's art work. Wahaha, and it was raining damn heavily when we reached YCK! Gosh, it was effing wet i tell you yes i tell you YEAH I TELL U. I was telling them i want it to rain! So that when drawing will have inspiration :D They thought i was kidding and laughed their asses off. LIKE WTF! ): Dont' trust me. Rawrrr.
I was totally wet even when we walked through the shelter, ahaha. &i think i cared more for myself then my art block :D Uber duper cold can, the wind. Urghh. And and and there was this big big drain near the bus stop, so i was trying to cross over to the other side but i couldn't 'cos it was effing wet! The water was like sooooooo deeeep, and i was totally drenched lah. Shoes and socks were soaked. &i was yelling and screaming 'cos my shoes were wet! JOSHUA JING KAI & MS TAN THOUGHT IT WAS VERY FUNNY -.- Ms Tan even said " Hahahaha this is gonna be the joke of the day. So funny. " Ahhhhhhhh, what's so funny can! I was wet leh ):
Was drying myself up, haha. I desperately needed to buy new socks since mine was so wet, but popular wasn't opened yet! I got high, yes HIGHHHH ;DD I thought i'd be like damn low when it rains, but no! Today i was HIGH :D Yups exception :D Wooohoo :D Smiley face all over now :D
Art exam, i almost screwed it up! Ohkay, i was like taking my own sweet time, looking around and trying to find the right time, till i got the " feel " or " inspiration " . Until i realised i spent half an hour stoning about and rawrrrrr. Two hours left! I kept running to and fro to sharpen my color pencils & is there such thing called " Drawing's block? " No no i don't mean the drawing block as in the paper, but since writers that are stuck while writing, its called " Writer's block. " Why isn't it called " Drawing's block " ? Zomg that's sooo lame. I took off my shoes&socks :D Instead of feeling cleaner, i felt super dirty okay! The floor was like...powdery ? Ahahah what a word -.-
Oh oh, i sold $250 for the tickets during JJ Fair! And they gave us this book, with the testimonies of different people as a token of appreciation :D Haha so niceeeee. I went to popular to get my socks! Woohoooooo. & you know what? I THREW MY WET SOCKS AWAY :D
Ahahaha socks. Should have kept it, use it as a weapon if anybody bullies ME! :D I went to drama. Ahya lame shit -.- Was slacking and reading the book that i got this morning. I couldn't wait to meet my dear SARAH :D Haha she cried can! I chionggeedddd there okay :D Met them& went to watch Over Her Dead Body. SUCKY SHOW I TELL YOU -.-
Effing boring...wanted to sleep! We walked around AMK hub and the guys went off for basketball. So we decided to slack at Mac (: Haha, i loveeee SARAH DENISE PATRICIA (: <3333333
I felt real happy & relaxed. Haha, we could like talk about EVERYTHING? I loveeee them! Wahaha i was envious, 'cos Patricia went for tuition. I was the only Singaporean left -.- Haha, and we started talking bout guys. I told them " LET'S STAY SINGLE K?! :D " Both of them immediately rejected my suggestion -.- Waloeeeeeeeee, boys are heartbreakers! Lol, toooo younggggg to think about it :D IDON'TCAREEEEE.
I'mmmmm lowwwwwwww. I'm talking to Joshua right now, zomg bestie! Haha, finally i found somebody that understand the things i'm going through ): Yay. &i was discussing with my mum also. Told her how much i hateeeeeeee my sec school life now. &things i miss...I was walking to and fro. From cupboard to wall, continuously. I was day-dreaming too much and knocked my knee into the sharp corner of the bed. Now it's hurting like....i don't wanna be vulgar. Hurting so much; sounds better :D
Tomorow! Yayyyyyy, What Happens in Vegas<3
*btw Evian, i veh long never crap with you liao. IMY! XP Haha.