Heheh. Oh well, went to watch the match at SingaporeBasketballCentre with Sarah&Natalie. &what a longgggggg ride from YCK till there! Rawr. 'cuz they had their first national match against Dunman High. Exciting match can (: Though we lost by just 1 point, at least i thought they did their best. Could see their panting faces & how breathless each of them were. Haha, Sean Wong & Nicholas were still not back from their HFM MC, so yeah...though they weren't around, the team played well X) Praise the Lord! We took cab back with Mandi & Li Pin (: &it was just 1 minute before peak hour! Hahahhaa.
Got back to school, and sat around slacking & chatting. Haha, finally got to talk to Denise, proper conversation! X) Left school around 6 45, reached home 7 :P
Yay. I'm gonna sleep early today.
Boohoo. I seriously mis my dear Denise Ramos loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads loads ♥

Your guidance, &wisdom...to bring me through.

&guess what? Ms Jobeth Pan reads my blog, she somehow hinted me in Literature class today, and i managed to guess it right. Haha, &i've gotta 27/30 for Lit! *hoorays* (: I'm trying to act happy, 'cuz i don't want to blog halfway and delete everything... Nothing much happened during the entire day, i would say.
Except during maths class, SHE made me boil. I can't believe that you're even a teacher lah. Since you don't even have the patience, you don't even need to bother to teach us at all. I miss Miss Claudia Tan...she was the only one that bothered to explain a thousand times to the class, even if we don't understand. &SHE goes "2nd express class" and all that shit, just 'cuz of this pathetic class position, we're like doubted 'cuz we can't even do certain sums. Whatever lah. Our whole class might just fail, damn.
Oh well, did the most retarded things in school :/ Imitating Jovi by pulling my socks way above the ankle, carrying the bag like uberb high. Haha, Jovi wasn't angry ((: Yay ily bestie! Haha. NDP was stupid. Alright i think i've dragged this post long enough. Damn, i'm not in the mood. I'm sorry love.
;&i had lunch with Sarah today too (: Finally. Haha. Hey dear! I finished your letter on the bus today already! Almost vomited okie? Haha. takecaree <3
I'm gonnaaaa study hard. I'm gonna pay attention in class. SMS-ing no more! Weeee. There's NDP tomorrow, off i go!
&i miss you Denise! :P
I was there, when the sun wasn't shining. When the pain was blinding you, those tears and fears...Never give in to sadness that surrounds you, find a way...reach deep inside and just let your love shine through. 'Cuz tomorrow is just a lil step away, i'll be there to help you start believing love again... Tell me that you're waiting, waiting for that happiness. Is there an easy way into your heart? Must be some ways where we can make a start...
I am for real and i'm just a step away. &when u leave the pain from past behind, you'll see the world in a different state of mind. I will be there, waiting to see your smile...'cuz tomorrow is just a little step away. I'll be there, to help you start believing love again. Tell me that you're waiting, waiting for that happiness. Please seal the lights, our hearts take flight... ♥
Lord, teach me how to forgive & forget. I don't want to hurt anybody for no reason.
1 ) I dreamt that i was walking to the toilet, and i saw my mother's room door half open. Then i saw her reading the word of God, and i was uber shocked&happy so asked her about it. She kept the Bible under her pillow & chased me out of the room. ( how i wish this would come true((: )
2) Somehow, this dream & the first dream are sort of connected. But i just can't remember how they are linked though...I dreamt about netball. All the netballers of KCP. &we had this gathering, so somehow we invited our opponent. I forgot which school. And Cherie was in their team, i was stunned & went like wondering why did she join our opponent...then
&speaking about netball, fun fact : i was almost kicked out of the school team 'cuz i couldn't control my emotions properly ):
Haha. KimJuEun. I decided to write a letter to ya. 'cuz seems like Chu taught me, that's the best way to communicate, heart to heart. Haha. We're drifting, but don't worry, it's not more than 5 metres yet :P
Today i went shopping @Fareast. Supah happy 'cuz i was the only one that bought things, &i bought twooooo! Hahahaha. To think a fussy freak like me can find something i like :/ Heheh. Long time since i went shopping & really SHOPPING, not window shopping. Thanks to NDP lah, tsk. I bought an overall & a pair of sandles :D Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Ooops, is CheeseSausage with mashed potato included? Haha.
I'm happy. Wee. Veh happy. Yes. &i finished my chinese compo, i did it in sooo many hours. Hahahaha. My cousin is sad, i'm sad. So i talked to her bout God, &she said she'll think about it[: ahhh, you're gonna be in my lists of loved ones that i'll keep on praying for cuzzie! &Yee tat is amazing. He said he's " recovered " after one day from HFMD! Yah right :P Only fools will believe you okie, haha. &Xiaoningggggg! Now your turn huh, you take care okie later Jonathan heartpain ya know. Dick, you tooooo :D HFMD sucks ): It's causing people around me to be sad&painful.
Zzzz. I'm off now. Heheh.
/Father, please bless him&all that contracted hfm, with good health & i pray that they'll get well soon.
Lots of reasons why, i shall keep it private. Hahahahah. I love Chu & Amadea lalalalalala. X) See! Both of your fav colours :D
&i sang Start Of Something New with Jovi today, had so much fun lah! (: 'cuz we both were bored during rehearsal. Weeeeeeeee. I'm suddenly so into singingggggggggggg. Haha. I'd hate to say this but i'd have to admit, Jovi Ho, you've got a great voice X)
/Father, watch over them please(:

First period&second period was the best. BEST. No chinese ya know! Happy happy happy! Have been waiting for this day for months man! Then Literature. Wah first time i ever wrote so much for anything X) Christopher. Tsk tsk. How could i waste my effort&time on a retard like you. Haha. &i don't remember seeing 3 red cars in a row! Hahaha. Neither do i like yellow or brown! I'm getting so out of point, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Fathetic.
Recesssssssssssssssssssssssss. Blah. Forgot what i ate :/ Oh yeah! Burger with egg. Fathetic. It tasted horrible ya know ): The entire day was perhaps fathetic, thanks to you ): Hmpf. Geography. Whoa this pissed me off for the entire day can. I was trying very hard to pay attention while some unreasonable, inconsiderate, irritating, gay, stupid, attention seeker kept on talking so loudly till i couldn't even pay attention. &still dared to ask me why i pulled sucha long face. *fumes* Fathetic me.
My headache was then back again. Maths! Weeeeeeeeeee. I learnt lots of things :D Paid attention mah. &when Ms Chin was repeating, me & grace wrote letters to each other [: Just like how me & Chu Yi communicate at times. Iheartmygraceeeeeeeeeee. She was so cute lah, all that she wrote (: I kept it nicely in my wallet&file. She wrote a card & asked me to be happy :D Yay i love my braces girl.
So art was a disaster. Imagine how fathetic my flyer was! It was really fathetic bathetic jathetic lathetic you knoww...&my changi airport too! It looked like some long bean with a round bowling ball can! * long bean reminds me of my braces girl. * WHOOPS.
I skipped rehearsal, 'cuz i wasn't feeling well & veh sian le. Hope Ms Tang doesn't scold. Heheh. Tapowed Laksa back for lunch, which totally sucked. I wasted $3.20 ya know. Sad. Fathetic lah. ): The beansprouts were sprouting out of my mouth, disgusting. Fathetic. Boohoo.
&Gladys spoke to me about God today! Ahhhhhh, i'm so glad she's starting to have faith! (: So God really did answer my prayers, yayyyyyyyyy. You go girl! <3>FAPPILY HAPPY!
Alright, i just forced you to go to sleep. I suppose it's my turn now. I don't wanna fall sick, but i won't cuz i'm STRONG! *fappy* I wanna see ya in school tomorrow ):
---------there goes Jermaine. Off to bed :D

Altogether worthy ,
Altogether wonderful to me...
Okay so i didn't blog bout three things.
1) my meet up with ELEPHANT ;D
2) my meet up with BATMAN ;D
3) the wet wet NDP ;D
1) So i met up with one of my pri school besties :D Presenting...
NG WEI NING :D Haha, had dinnah with her at Macdonalds. &i tell you peeps, don't eveh have dinnah with her 'cuz she's damn freaky! She kept staring at meeee && gave that kind of creepy look, when i wasn't paying attention to her. &she even gave me that kind of look when i was EATING, no appetite X) So she rushed me to blog about her, hahha. Here you go my dear :D
2) BATMAN<3333333333333333333333333333333 rocks more than SUPAHMANNNN!
SEEEEEE! Batman :D &mind you, BARBIE & HELLO KITTY ARE VERY HOT AND CHIO CHARACTERS...Yee Tat said that Hello Kitty is fat. What about mushroooooommmssss? ;DDD Damn, batman was damn hot can. &too bad, he missed me, so decided to look me up! Haha, kidding. At first, the queue was very long, &i was lazy to queue. But in the end nobody there, of course i chiong there :D Heheh, he was veh veh tall...veh! Look at the height difference oh damn it. I WANNA WATCH THE DARK KNIGHT ):
3) NDP WAS WET YESTERDAY. Yeah, wet chickkieee. Haha. We had to dance in the rain ya know ya know! &i expected the audience to leave 'cuz of it, but i was damn touched lah X) There were still loads of people, &they stood, danced, waved. Ahhhh happpy :D Once again, the fireworks made me ubah happy. Damn nice can, even though it was raining! We pulled two lovers together, :DDDD hahahhaha so fun can. &I was tryna make boys understand that they should not be so sensitive. So i did an experiment, i randomly ran up to any guy, &put my hand on his shoulder & went HI blahblah. Only a few ran away. Seeeeeeee. :DD Ubur gay -.- And and and Gerald super cute lah! I made a heart with my fingers for funn, & he did it toooo :DD Then i was bored & said" i love you Gerald :D " he replied " i love you too :D " But of course, we kidding only. Like hello -.- Then Grace don't believe, she said the same thing to him again, &he said ILOVEYOUTOO also. Ahahahahahhaa. We kept repeating it till i bet he was very irritated. Heheh, but i didn't expect him to say it back, so was happy happy happy!
Reached home very late, 'cuz went to tapow food nearbyy. Not me, daddy :D My dinner was veryyyy...not nice. So daddy tapowed
ORH LUAAAA; oyster omelette
Oily stuff, but heck. 'Cuzz....ahahha ((: *shh* Yap, the interview was yesterday. By these two KidsCentral girls, veh cool & scary ya know. Was very nervous lor, but fun ((: Thanks Mr Yeo, for giving me&Daniel this opportunity ((: 9th august, morning, kids central, must watch ah! Hahaha. &took pictures with the designer for our costume, i bet i looked retarded in those pictures. The photographer didn't let us take a look, evil. Me Grace & Joy became MASKRIDERSSSSS. Our make up, haha. Here are the pictures ((:

i thought this resembled him more. longgggggggggggggggg.
that's how nerdy he looks with specs X)))))
Whom shall i fear?
'Cuz i'm Yours....
-casting crowns; who am i.
It's time to study hard Jermaine! Common tests are coming up, i can't afford to waste any more time 'cuz i've already wasted loads on NDP. I'm effing tired, but yeah...gotta hold on 'cuz it's gonna be ovah soon!
TAKE CARE PEOPLE ((: i'll speak to you guys in school instead.
i'm sorry faithful reader [:

So yaps. NDP was stupid, wasted lots of time...at least the time taken to eat my two packets of tuna biscuits with Grace&Joy was still pretty fun :DD Hahaha.
thanks for not disappointing me! :D
we probably had the fun-est time tryna act cute. too bad it was a Mission Impossible.
no matter what has happened, i treasure this picture the most (: beautiful.
grandpaaaaaa grandmaaaaa, they don't look old as they sound, do they?
2nd auntie & uncle in law. 3rd auntie & uncle in law * stares * at me 'cuz i forgot to take a picture with them :D