Sunday, August 31, 2008
I can tell, by the look in your eyes.

What would it take to let you go? In your eyes, just give me a sign... So open your eyes, don't say goodnight. Wondering why... Alone tonight, I'll just let it go for you.
I'm letting you down. You are just hiding it so well, you're giving me no sign, no interest. You don't really want this...So right now, are you gonna try to save yourself?
I bet you're so sick of hearing it. You don't really want this, so hard to get, is that what it's gonna be? Sitting down, not even looking at me...I hope forever I wont remember this tonight.
So out the door, gone away...running so fast through the pouring rain. Gone forever.
The Friday Night Boys - You Do, You Don't.
Jurong VS MY beeeeshan :D
Today is a happyyyyyyyy day (: Finally managed to meet the supplier & yeah, collected the tees :D YESSSSSS. JURONG EASTTTTTTTTTT. Uber duper far but worth it. Hahaha. I kinda like the tees though, and regret not buying a few for myself. Gah. Oh well, me&my mum were exploring Jurong, and it's seriously very very different from Bishan.
It's just different. ( inserts a big smiley face )
Saturday, August 30, 2008
When it was US...
Can't you feel that everything is way different ? I miss you.
I feel like getting an eyebrow piercing AHAHAHA.
I've been having the weirdest and whackiest ideas these days...I don't know why either :) Haha, yayyy. New phone coming my way :D Ilovedadddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
Enough of those shit..
I'm sorry Chu, 'cuz i'm unable to attend your church event, both today & tomorrow's. Wish you all the best :) Bytheway, people! It's at Paya Lebar. Feel free to ask me for Chu's contact if you want to go for the event. It's a good opportunity (: Here's the advert! :D

Friday, August 29, 2008
Itchy fingers.

I was blogshopping & saw some uber pretty lil things x)
I loved the accessories the characters in Goong wore, zomg. & i think these are really sweet! Haha. The first one is from some Taiwan drama thingy, i didn't watch the show but well, i thought the design for the ring is niceeeeeee. Weeeee i'm feeling ring & necklace-ish! It's been months since i bought such things :) Hands feeling itchy, heheh<3
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Drop a heart; break a name.

I'll bring You more than a song,
For a song in itself is not what You have required.
You search much deeper within,
Through the way things appear.
You're looking into my heart...
I'm coming back to the heart of worship,
&it's all about You.
It's all about You, Jesus...
I'm sorry, Lord,
For the thing I've made it;
When it's all about You,
it's all about You, Jesus...
I prayed, i keep on praying for you every single day...'cuz i believe that things would be back real soon. It pains me a lot, especially each time when i watch you walk away.. &when i think back, I'd keep on asking God, what's going on nowadays. I need strength to carry this on...i really need it.
Prayer group was great today. I would say that i really admire William's guitar skills. He played Still & Heart Of Worship for us. Ubah pretty! I pray that things go well for his family :D &with God, anything is possible manxXXZXxZzzz! :D
&ya know, Kinder Buono is such a wonder, when it comes to cheering people up. I saw this old man wearing a poncho, in the rain, plucking out weeds from the muddy ground, just right outside Mr Choo's homeroom. It was very dirty & wet. That's when i had this urge to give him my Kinder Buono...haha. But i just didn't dare to go up to him. Kind of regret now ):
So another chance appeared when Kenneth was speaking to us about all that's happening to him. Cheer up Kenneth! :D You're weird, but we loveee you! Yeah...he cried, andddd once again, i did not dare give him the Kinder Buono. YES I'M SHY. But i thought about the old man again, and didn't wanna miss another chance. So i gave him my Kinder Buono :D Cuz i read in a random book that even the slightest & smallest lil acts, can cheer one up (: It's 'cuz i've friends who does that to me too, and i appreciate it a lot. Hahaz..
I'm happy, yeah sounds crazy. You'd be like " Wth this girl is happy just because she gave a Kinder Buono to a sad person. " Okay whatever you think. I'm happyyyy that's it. Haha, today was an absolutely nutty insanish day for me. I did and said the most ridiculous stuff till minutes later i'd be wondering why i said that.
Morning was funnnnnnnn. The traffic light was blinking green man, we rushed across and once it turned into red man, i screamed. For no reason. And right after i screamed, it started to RAIN. Heheh power of Jermaine :D
I was looking forward to meeting Jovi & start our nonsensical shit on a crazy morning. But i forgot that he was sick :/ Get well soon bestie! We missed you a lot! Weird being the only one talking shit to them you know... I was like talking to myself -.- I'm curious about one thing. Why is the past tense of dream, dreamt. & why isn't the past tense of scream, screamt ? Haha. Okay lameeee. Just asking.
The entire day went fineee lalala. I enjoyed the teachers' day celebration a lot (: HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY TO WHICHEVER TEACHER IS READING MY BLOG RIGHT NOW! HAHA. I didn't get any pressies for any teachers of PHS, i need more time to adapt to them :/ Mr Lau was very cute today, very. Hahaha. He was nominated for one of the most caring teachers' award, i would say that he deserves it. But well...sometimes just a bit too naggy. Haha.
Received medal for the netball competition game that i joined with Sarah & Tien, haha 'cuz we played for 1 Blessing's team (: 2nd was kewl. Didn't expect muchhh...haha. Went to AMK hub with Sarah, Yee Tat, Brenwin & Nethanel. Didn't know what to do, didn't have money for movie so yeah. Window shopping. Haha, but slacked at the food court instead. Gah, i love them sometimes. Make me ubah happy (:
Went off early(: &i'm excited that there are orders for our blogshop! Super happy. Yayyyy. Continue to support uh! :D Going back to KCP tomorrow and i supah can't wait to see most of them man. Especially Mdm Tang! :D
I'm finally done with my post!(: iloveGodddddddddddddddd. Weeeee.
I'm glad that you finally decided to move on(:
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Cheena = Eew.
Okay i forgot to mention one ubahdupahzzzbalalapapa important thing.
I screwed it up, really. The passage was nuts, i was reading it word for word without knowing what every word or the enitre passage meant! Stopped & skipped certain parts, but i reallaye hope she didn't notice it :/ 'Cuz some sec 4's were making loads of noise, i ought to thank them :D Hahhaha. The conversation was...........
-dead silence-
I stopped at every 2 to 3 sentences, and the sentences DID NOT MAKE ANY SENSE. The question she asked was :
" Why did schools ban sweet & oily food ? "
" Cuz...sweet & oily food can cause them to have diabetes and cancer..."
It was seconds later when she stared at me and raised an eyebrow. YES. THIS FREAKED ME OUT. I knew that i said the wrong thing, judging from her expression! Urghh. I was thinking, how on earth can i ever say something as ridiculous as that. I mean likeeeeeeeeee....forget it. Wanna cry. No wrong, i won't cry over CHINESE -.-
Got results back, but it's way different from Ntrix 'cuz that's the overall.
I want all Assssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.
Target reached for English , Literature, D&t, HE, Art, History.
I'd better get going. BYEBYE.
Boo people.
I'm kind of lazy to blog these days, bleh. But well, let me just put in a lil bit more effort since i've time now. Ahahah. It's 7.57am, and i don't have school today. Gotta report to school at 1pm instead, for the ICT presentation shit. I'm boreddddddddddddddd. Did the dumb ICT thingy yesterday, and i can form a pretty lil maths equation for you right now.
ICT = Bullshit/Nonsense X Time ( Wasted )I'm doing the role of Mr Lim & man...easiest, but uber boring & tedious okie. English was practically copying & summarising the facts into the table, that was eeezie. History made me jump down the building.. Seems easy, but can't seem to think of any facts AHAHAHA. I'm gonna finish it up and upload it ;D Btw, going to Gladys' house around 10. &weeeeeeeee. Off to school again.
Supposed to meet one of my customers for payment, but well...she seems busy & isn't free on any of these days. Oh well, shall discuss with Sarah bout now.
I WANNA CATCH SOME SLEEP NOW BUT THE PHONE JUST WON'T LET ME OFF.I woke up this morning and had the shock of my life. SHOCK. 15 messages unread and i'm like WTF IS HAPPENING. Damn that Si Yu, spammed my inbox with nonsensical messages, he promised to do it yesterday and i thought he was kidding...btw, he's got unlimited smses, beware.
I'm gonna wash uppp & finish my work. Then to Gladys' houseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey. BYEBYE ;D
Visit http://biatchesintown.blogspot.com okie! Updated korean clothes (:
Monday, August 25, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Hi people, my name's JERMAINE RAMOS! Hahahahha!
Wow, it's been a few days since i last posted ahahha. I was uber happy yesterday :D Very! Thanks Pang, Sarah, Denise, Tien, Ellie ! We went out to celebrate Pang's belated birthday :D
Went to Marina Square to watch Meet Dave, though we wanted to go bowling too! The movie was okay, yeah...kinda funny, but uber boring at some parts :D Wanted to stay to bowl, but me&Denise's mum were ringinggggggggggggggggggggggg us throughout the movie. So yeah, home XD
On the train, we were tryna be vain & camwhored. Loads of people were staring at us but who cares. Shall update it soon :D
Friday, August 22, 2008
Blessing in disguise.
&you know something people? IloveChuYi too! A lot! :D
NATALIE PANG! Ily lah. You know, she helped us to advertise our blogshop :D Super touched! Love you bestie!
Take a look at me&sarah's blogshop! :D
Support yeah! <3
Beautiful Soul.
My day sucked. Today was a very very emo day, for most of us. Perhaps it's cuz Grace wasn't in school, guess she's sick. Sigh, i need my sunshineee ): Yeah, one of the reasons was probably 'cuz it was raining...right ?
Had cramps & gastric for the entire day. Urgh. I wasn't in the mood to do anything manxxxxsssZxzzz.
Didn't go for dance, just felt very sick for the entire day, & still having the urge to vomit, even now. Don't worry, i'm still a virgin la! Hahaz... So JiangLaoShi wants a MC or parent's letter, in chinese. I don't know how my mum's gonna write that..Bleh.
Sarah, i'm fine. Don't worry about me ok ? You should take care instead! Nothing is drifting, k? [: Ily babe.
I give You my all.
Bleeding love;
we gotta do it..do it..do it..
Yes. Let go. Let go. Let go. <3
I'll leave it to God, time heals everything, i'll commit myself to Him.
One step at a time.
It's like learning to fly, or falling in love...
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Don't bother messaging me people (: I won't reply...I need some time off. With God...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Baby, it's you.
They say that good things take time, but really great things happen in a blink of an eye. Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one. I can't believe it... You're one in a million. All this time I was lookin' for love, tryn' to make things work that wasn't good enough. Til' I thought I'm through, said I'm done, then stumbled into the arms of the one. You're making me laugh about the silliest stuff, say that I'm your diamond in the rough. When I'm mad at you, you come with your velvet touch. Can't believe that I'm so lucky, I have never felt so happy. Every time I see that sparkle in your eyes... You're one in a million ♥
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
I'M A HAPPY FOOL ;Dthat's what the three suckers call me, and i don't know why! Just because i was staring into space while smiling during assembly. Wth. Joy the snail. Grace the shio ba. Gladys the...hmm. Short. :D Hahahahha. Heart them a lot, so you, shuddap.
I'm kinda disappointed with my results, maths i mean. Though my mum is contented... 28/40, A2. I don't want...I want an A1. 'cuz i know i'll be doing badly for the rest of my tests...Darn. I was supposed to get 26/40 but that rat marked wrongly and didn't give me two marks! Rottennn. Veh sad. But managed to get two marks 'cuz i argued with her. &SHE ACCUSED ME OF CORRECTING THE ANSWER DAMN IT. Super insulting lah.
Gracey wasy emoy today, managed to cheer her up... a lil :X Haha, i hope you think it through my dear! Remember, you have US. Ok? US :D We'd be there for you through it all (: It's orange, your favourite colourrrr. Ahaha.Lalalalalala. Nothing much today, except yeah, Natalie's birthday [: Went to the library to study after school with Yee Tat, Gladys & her Jareld. Hahaha. I needed to be in a quiet environment with friends to be motivated. Yeah...heart you people for accompanying me! :D &ya, you don't worry too much uh! (:
I'm dying right now. Maybe not. 'Cuz managed to understand science further, with that idiot that lied to me bout having two kids! GARY PEH, who else huh. But well, can't deny that he's one of my best science teachers. Rah, i want you to come back! He asked me what i felt bout science, and told me this which was kinda motivating in a way x)
Jermaine. you're my first&last superman(: <3>I'm like super lost in science. The world is a complicated place and we are merely pawns. says:
we'll always lag behind if we compare with someone who studies fasterThe world is a complicated place and we are merely pawns. says:
just compare with yourselfThe world is a complicated place and we are merely pawns. says:
you'll find yourself improving all the time==============end===============Grace&YeeTat&Sarah : i want three of you to be happy all the time, don't worry about what's gonna happen k? I'll pray for you guys. Three of you are super important to me, so yeah, don't wanna see you all like that! heart you guys<3>
Specially for yah ;D

I wish you a
Thanks for being one of my goody good bestie ;D Haha, make us laugh our asses off with your silly jokes & acts(:
" my mummy ask me one "
Hahahaha. Oh well, each time i feel like uber down, idk why but see you then feel like laughing already. You can be a clown next time Hahahaha X) You basketball-ish girl! Sit properly when eating or sitting down okie! Study hard, 'cuz i know you put in your best damn effort for maths :D &your basketball & everythingggg, your mummy tooo :D Hahaz, sorry that all of us are unable to give you your pressies today. Promise, real soon alright (: &we'll celebrateeee happily this weekend! God bless & have a big pretty birthday. Don't sad alr ah ;D
Your fat shit. X)
Sunday, August 17, 2008
My 13th Bday ;D
Sarah did this for me when i turned 13th this year(: Sweet. Love ya babe <3 This was uber appreciated, though my birthday this year was shiatt...
Saturday, August 16, 2008
I'm never gonna make it.

I really hate this a lot...i miss you Sarah Kim!
Friday, August 15, 2008
It's like learning to fly, or falling in love..
1) Literature exam wasn't very difficult; ( not easy too )
2) Grace made me " laugh " Rah i love her.
3) Dance was uber tiring but kewl.
4) Saw how loving Gladys & Jareld (sp? ) were.
5) I just bought 3 pieces of clothing from cuzzie's blogshop
6) I can finally slack today!
7) Juniors' PSLE was a success! ;D
Few reasons that make me think back & go sad.
-darn i'm speaking like Christopher!
1) Joyyyyyyyyy! She's always beside me, but miss speaking to my snail HAHAHAAH.
2) Today's spilt almost made me cry! WTF.
3) I lived on $6 today oh damn it!
4) I can't go out on Sunday!
Okay here goes the official post ;D Heh.
First two periods were Literature exam, uber freaky. 'Cuz we were like chiong-ing to memorise certain quotes, gah. It wasn't very difficult, wasn't very easy, but i managed to remember certain stuff 'cuz God was right right beside me! ;D Thank God!
Hmm...so recess. Yah, blackpepperchicken. Aww so lame. Science? I didn't understand a lot of things and i was listening till i fell asleep. Don't blame me man, almost 3 quarter of the class were not paying attention too! I seriously don't get him somtimes lah :/ &Wayne somehow pissed Jovi Alvin Josh Jk off... 'cuz of the science project. Have some originality lah -.-
Blah. Assembly ? Kinda cool with those guitar stuff going on! But CERTAIN stuff got me really...*shakes head* GraceBraceLongbeansforbreakfast made me veh happy. I don't know why but HAHAHA. I was forced to laugh at jokes that weren't funny and jokes that i don't understand...
Anyway, i think the Ucelele was damn cool, i don't know how to spell it dumb. &the bass guitar! Lalala. I'm tryna drag this entire post 'cuz it's getting way short. & i'm like typing crap here here here. Nanana. Lalala. Boohooweh.
Dance. IMAGINE LEGS BREAKING OK. Veh tiring. Very...teacher got super humorous today, didn't even scold us. *Miracle* Perhaps he was in a good mood, Good Day. 'Cuz he was wearing red, and maybe he saw 5 red cars, HAHAHAH I'M SERIOUSLY SPEAKING LIKE CHRISTOPHER. At first, no seniors except 2 sec threes were present, so almost all filled with Sec1s! He tortured us like mad lah. Did the freaking spilt, till it was so damn painful 'cuz i've never been forced till so damn big before! Even Gladys cried! Guhh. Tolerance ~~~not.
Yaya, so legs were jelly enough. Like some crippled toad. Still made us do Ti / Pi tui. Ah whatever is that. IMAGINE THE EARTH HAVING AN EARTHQUAKE, 'cuz we were kicking our legs up high to reach for cows jumping over the moon. I'm getting lame, uh ? Ellie & Gladys said they were lesbians. So for whatever reasons which i really DON'T KNOW, i was dragged into the picture for nothing! Saying that Gladys likes me, and blahblah, i'm more suitable for her, & teacher made her do ti / pi tui beside me. She was laughing so her face was like the HOT RASPBERRY MILKSHAKE and teacher started being lame & said 'cuz she was too shy to face me. I was like WTH. So we two were laughing our asses off while doing it, so our timing like shit! Once again, teacher said 'cuz both of us were too shy & awkward & distracted. Whatever.
Then the damn techno music ( YES I HATE TECHNO MUSIC PEEPS ) was the song to help us with our timing ya know! One of the lyrics went like ~~~~ George the second. Laugh nor. Which resulted in more Pi/Ti tui! Gladys managed to finish ah! But me & Ellie had to keep on doing it even though i had wobbly jelly agar agar legs !
Imagine after all that crap warm ups, we did more ! Jumping & stuff...there was a string below my feet so i wanted to take it off. So when teacher turned around, he saw it and thought i was lazing around! Made me do sooooooooooooooooooooo many in front of the class DAMN PAI SEH YA KNOWW! I did like...how many ? 14?! No i think more than that. Gah gah gah. I couldn't wait for it to end 'cuz i'd really have broken legs by then!
Went to BBT 'cuz all of us were veh veh hungry ;D What to do with a pathetic note ? TWO DOLLARS. Ahh. So i was doing some maths problem sum, DRINK OR FOOD. Lalalala i decided on both 'cuz i lent money from Gladys ahahaha! ==
====i'm jumping for JOY 'cuz this post is so long HAHHA=====
*Joy, be happy. For you, i jump you know! lala
Yeah so that couple was super loving. Hahaha * mushyyyy * XD Oh btw, tomorrow's their first month. HAPPY FIRST MONTH ;D Stay retarded. Hahahahah oooops. I don't know why but i was veh veh happy so i did the most retarded stuff. Leleh. Took train back with the couple, home! Curry for dinnah, like yay yay yay. Blogshop-ed. Three pieces of clothingssssssssssss. YAY! ;D
I shall get some sleep tonight! 2.4km, tmr morning chiong ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I AM SO DAMN TIRED & SLEEPY ):/all the best for Lit tomorrow darlings.

Am I crazy or falling in love? Is it really just another crush? Do you catch a breath when i look at you? Has it ever cross you mind when were hangin', are we just friends? Is there more, is there more? See it's a chance we've gotta take 'cuz i believe that we can make this into something that will last, last forever, forever... Why do i keep running from the truth? All i ever think about is you... You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized &i just got to know....♥
You're more than a friend yeah..
I'm back from Napfa ;D Like yay! Haha. Super fun fun fun. Everything's fun except the 2.4km run which is up veh soon..i'm gonna suffer, for sure! Today was absolutely cute. For me kay. So many things happened which made me fapppyy ;D
Chapel was cool 'cuz the speaker, i forgot his name but he was one of the pastors that i liked most! Haha...Topic was on guilt; confessing our sins & God forgiving us! I feel kind of empty, 'cuz no prayer group today. Maths exam ended way too late. Bleh. Anyway, me & Grace had a uber great but evil time during English today! Had two free period, i used one period to revise my maths while the other, we were discussing 'bout 1Endurance girls. Haha, like which country they LOOK like their from, &who they look like ( private topic ) 'cuz kind of offending to certain people. :X I promise, it was just some random joking topic, we don't mean it yeah!
D&T. Yayyy Mr Toh<3 So much better than Mr Chua can -.- I've yet to finish up my D&T work lalalala. First time stayed up till a freaking 11 plus just to finish it! But yah, i forgot to print it oh damn.
Alright, i'm gonna get my school shoes tonight. Cuz i think i'm gonna be the next Christopher in the TCIOTDITNT; inspecting my own shoe with holes. Blahblah. Literature tomorrow. I don't wanna fail. I want an A. Bleh.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
All I hear is raindrops falling on the rooftop. Oh baby, tell me why’d you have to go? ‘Cuz this pain I feel it won’t go away And today I’m officially missin’ you. I thought that from this heartache, I could escape but I’ve fronted long enough to know there ain’t no way...Can’t nobody do it like you; said every little thing you do. Hey baby said it stays on my mind. And I-I’m officially...
All I do is lay around, 2 years full of tears. From looking at your face on the wall just a week ago. You were my baby, now I don’t even know you at all. Well, I wish that you would call me right now so that I could get through to you somehow. But I guess it’s safe to say, baby, safe to say that i'm officially missin’ you...
Well, I thought I could just get over you, baby. But I see there’s something I just can’t do. From the way you would hold me to the sweet things you told me. I just can’t find a way to let go of you.
It’s official...you know that I’m missin’ you, yeah, yes. All I hear is raindrops...♥
Forget about me.

I know you're disappointed in me. Very disappointed. Especially today, with all that's happening, i vented it out on you. If i were in your position, i'd be pissed too... &i just didn't want to affect you again, that's why i didn't speak to you though i really wanted to. Perhaps i shouldn't have spoken to you that way, causing you to get mad each time. I'm sorry...
I'm tired & in a sucky mood today. You'd never believe all that happened today man..
I forgot to bring my PE shirt. Which resulted to running my 2.4km in uniform. Urgh. Then i forgot to bring my pencil box, when i was gonna take the geog exam today. Ms Chin scolded me 'cuz i didn't hand in my homework & ordered me to pass it up after school, who cares. Geog, don't talk about it. One word & that's terrible.
I'd better work hard today, i can't afford to get another c5 for maths! No way. I don't wanna deproveeee, i've been slacking way too much. Lunch with YongHui sort of cheered me up, but it only lasted for a while. Sigh. Tuition later on, & you're upset with me. Yet i want to speak to you so badly. I miss you.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Don't tell me i ran out of time, even if it takes the rest of my life.

that snapshot girl. says:
but i'm still here for you as always.
Ahhhh. Chu Yi is so damn sweet nahx. That was on purpose, i hate twitters. But let me try being one. Hahahaha. I love her to the ubah maxy maxxxxZxxxzzX kreeeeeep. & i met my dearest Wendy today ;D Haha, you stunned i stunned we both stunned! Lala. Cow backsideee.
&they called me a study nerd. Wth ): Now Sarah kim regrets!!!! Hahahhaa.
I'D BE AWAY FROM BLOGGING TILL CT'S ARE OVER :) which is like next thursday. So if you really love me, wait till thursday! Haha. IN THE MEANTIME, all of my readers! Study hard & jiayou ;D/oh, but i'd reply tags! Heheh.
Monday, August 11, 2008
When you were by my side.
Nooo. I realised it's not my 200th post yet -.- 'Cuz there were lotsa drafts here and there. Ps. Haha.
So i was at Mac studying today, and LOTS of things happened. Unpleasant ones especially. But well, yay it's fine now. I seriously dislike Geog, cuz i couldn't get a thing. Thank God, with His strength & guidanceeee, yeahh, i understand alreadyyyyyyy * praise the Lord * Haha, & things are fine right now, i suppose. Alvin was real sweet today, trust me! ;D I was even doubting if that was him alright! Hahaz, thanks my dear (: &thanks to that Jun Ming guy.. even though i don't know you, i'd be looking out for ya! X)
Dinner at Swenson's was pretty much disasterous for me. Hahaha. The thought of it makes me laugh :P So it went like that :
Me : Can i have a Mac& Cheese. & erm, without the mushrooms & onions. Thanks.
Waiter : Oh, i don't think it's possible 'cuz it's in the sauce.
Me : Uh, u sure? The last time i came, they managed to. Are ya able to help me check first?
Waiter : Yeah sure, give me a minute.
*rushes to ask chef *
*comes back*
Waiter : Hey, sorry but we're only able to remove the mushrooms. Is that okay ?
Me : Err...then can i have the chicken frank instead? Without the onions too.
Waiter : Alright,
*goes to chef*
*comes back*
Waiter : Miss, sorry but the onions are in the sauce. Do you want me to tell them to remove it ?
Me : Huh. Okay never mind, i shall have the cray fish spaghetti instead.
Waiter : Without onions?
Me : Oh, no, it's fine (:
Waiter: Alright.
*goes to chef*
*comes back*
Waiter : Sorry, but, do you want to change the sauce ? 'Cuz i can help you to remove the onions
Me : Huh, no no it's alright.
Waiter : Ok, sorry bout it.
Me : Nvm
*food comes*
*realises crayfish kinda not fresh 'cuz blackish, mum complained.*
Waiter : sorry bout that, i'll help you check with the chef.
Waiter : Maam, sorry but it's actually alright. The stomach blahblah.
Mum : Oh, ok. Thanks (:
Waiter : Haha, nope. It's alright! 'Cuz we have to understand the customer's situation :D
Hahaha, i bet the waiter hated me can. :/ And all the chefs too. This fussy lil girl! X)
School's back tomorrow. Bleh.
Hey Yee Tat, don't worry too much 'bout me. I'm fine, haha. I promise! ;D Thanks a lot, at least i did cheer upppp ! [:
Alright fine manzxzzzzzx. I'm bored, might as well post one more timeee ;D yay it's the
200TH POST! ♥/kissmayeeebaby!
1 more post to 200!
i feel jumpy cockroach-ish wheets!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
" Sometimes, it is inevitable for regrets because they teach us to make better choices and toughen us. But there are some regrets that last a life-time, and guilt that cannot be erased. "
Quoted from ChuYi.
The last day; NDP.