1. I’ve come to realise that I love : God.
2. I’ve come to realise that my last EX : = memories.
3. I’ve come to realise that I say: everything that comes to my mind. Even if it's " i love potatoes "
4. I’ve come to realise that I have: a plan, in which God drew. Cancels Jovi.
5. I’ve come to realise that I have lost : people i've never treasured.
6. I’ve come to realise that I hate : myself being emotional. Cuz you'd wanna stay away.
7. I’ve come to realise that marriage is : not just gowns and rings. Once in a lifetime, commitment, means everything(:
8. I’ve come to realise that the best : will only be the best, provided that you believe.
9. I’ve come to realise that I will always be : complaning and grumbling, but only realise how pretty the ending of everything for me is :)
10. I’ve come to realise that love : is cute in every way :D
11 . I’ve come to realise that the last time I cried was : ( almost ) just now. when my void deck was filled with cockroaches, big juicy ones. & i mistook it as a nightmare):
12. I’ve come to realise that when I wake up in the morning : i'd laze around and fall asleep again.
13. I’ve come to realise that before I go to sleep at night : i'd make sure my pillows, boulster, blankets would be in place.
14. I’ve come to realise that right now : i don't wanna go downstairs to see the cockroaches.
15 . I’ve come to realise that babies : are adorable :D Except those cranky ones.
16 . I’ve come to realise that I get on myspace : many years back.
17. I’ve come to realise that today : is a dirty day.
18. I’ve come to realise that tonight : i've to meet a weird customer.
19. I’ve come to realise that tomorrow : is shopping day!
20. I’ve realise that I really want : to get into the 2nd class.
& all of the posts, were like, * jermaine clicks. Reads not even one third of it, go back to the dfault page, clicks on next post, reads 1 third of it, gives the disgusted look, click back, post for today! *
Yeah! Can imagine how disgusted i was. But at least that was ME. Haha, gah. I'm jermainish again. Feeling so thankful yeaps yeaps :) Everything that happened today, don't know. Just felt very happy the moment i left the school! Able to go to France already, yeah woohoo. Thanks Chu & Denise & Yee Tat ! Your prayers worked wonders♥
&after all, it was the awesome God who heard our prayers (: Don't worry Denise, there must be a reason for you to have that personal message right ? Haha, we'd be able to go together! Cheers! *hugs*
There's a high chance that i won't be able to go to France, yeah.. *cries & screams * Due to the upcming concert, sigh. Hope i can go still, prolly the only thing that made me happy when i was down ): The only thing that made me so excited, till i couldn't even believe it when i was told.
Just when i thought things were gonna be perfect, exactly one month from now ): It's the 28th today. Why do i have to know this, right after all that planning. Clothes, jackets, shoes, money, even the food i'm gonna bring. I can't accept this just like that ): Well, i don't know what's going on. Just want to pray hard and hope i'd be able to go. I don't wanna let it be missed.
This is gonna be an emo post. It's for two close friends in my life (:
I did my best, and probably all that i could to make you forgive me. It was seriously a big misunderstanding between both of us. Yeah i know you won't be reading this, but i really want to tell you how i feel. I'm sorry for not finding out the truth before tryna " joke " with you, that's my character when i talk on msn. I just wished that there was this angel to speak to you bout what exactly happened. I feel so accused. Yet partly it was my fault. You're not my close nor very good friend, but i don't know why i got so worried just 'cuz of this. Perhaps 'cuz you're one of my closest, just that i didn't realise. I've so much to overcome right now, and i find it hard to continue apologising to you. I think i've done it all, even wishing for God to speak to you. I'm so confused right now, can't stop but hoping things would be fine ): &that you'd find out the truth. This issue is the only thing restricting me from everything that cheers me up.
And lastly, this is for ♥you (:
Is our friendship causing us to show our differences between both of us? This isn't the main point, if i'm able to accept others for who they are, what makes you think that i can't, to you that has been so important in my life huh? It's been almost a week since we really talked like we used to. You don't know how happy i was when you said bye to me today ;D Just when i thought i was gonna walk pass you just like that. I miss the 2 person chicken rice we used to share that costs $7.50, your " oh yeah! " (s) followed by my " stop oh-yeahing please!!! ", the polka dotted shoes you have, the retarded look we gave when we camwhored, the hugs you gave me, &when you always argued with me over our performance right after our exam papers. " If you fail then i what! negative 0 ah! " (: It's tough leaving a gap in between, you know. I do find it a lil hard too. But nothing's too hard, with God's never-die attitude in us! I'm not letting go, i'm not ending it. That's all i am sure about. Someday i'd be wishing to see your pretty smile again :) &there's definitely still a reason why my display picture is still us. It's cuz i believe you're still my bitch :D It just feels weird not talking when we meet or on msn. Especially when normally after two days, MSN would have this stupid thing that pops up" Your message history for ____ has blahblah. Delete or save in another file " See, i rememeber it clearly! (: No matter how hard i try to avoid that feeling, it doesn't work. Cuz i miss you so much[:
- I love You Goddddddddddd :D

Take my hand, take a breath.
Pull me close, and take one step.
Keep your eyes locked on mine
&let the music be your guide.
Now won't you promise me,
that you'll never forget to keep dancing
where ever we go next.
It's like catching lightning;
the chances of of finding someone like you...
It's one in a million,
the chances of feeling the way we do.
&with every step together,
we just keep on getting better.
So can I have this dance?
What we have is worth fighting for you know I believe,that we were meant to be.
I'm like bored now. Bored. Yes. Bored. Ahh. I'm having so many meetups l8r, hahaha gna meet loads of weird people again! :D Weird Jermaine + Weird People = the weird society!!!! Bleh, yesterday was Prolly 'cuz the vitamins that mummy bought did help! Didn't really feel tired anymore haha.
But dance was still freaky lah, was so scared that i screw things up, but once i'm scared i'll lose count of the rhythm, and then either way i'd screw it up too right! Haha, glad that nothing went wrong 'cuz i keep praying God would give me more confidence to overcome it! Priase th Lord :D
Anyway, there's this new senior from sec 2 that just joined us! Haha, i can't wait till next year when we're no longer the younger ones, 'cuz they would be juniors. ohyeahyeah, i won't feel small anymore!
Come to think bout it, the year passed by us real fast :) Yay with Him, seems like it was a right choice to enter PHS after all. I could have landed in any weirdo school right now, but nope, God's choice for me was sweet :) Still remembered how afraid i was during the start of the year, haha. Childish! Yey i'm glad i'm able to adapt to the friendly people right now! & yesterday, i suddenly talked to many many people ( including those whom aren't really close to me ) &guess what, i think they are all nice :D
I really hope all of us would be able to stay in the same class next year, though MrLau said he's gonna make sure our cliques are seperated ): Cuz 1Endurance is prolly the only class with so many clique-ish stuff. Even teachers say so! Haha, but i think it's totally unfair lor. Should seperate us according to results, not cliques what! Hmpf.
Bleh, i gotta go real soon. Just some updates on where i'd be going hahaha!
Lol, i know that my blog's getting boring-ish lah. No pictures ): I promise you, soon ok! Three tickets available for the HSM3 tonight. Sms me or contact me if you want it asap.
Life is always sweet; with all the nicest people around you! :D
&my heart will sing how great is our God :)
1) Outreach was freaky but fun :D2 ) I'm going to France! :D3) I got back my results! :D4) There's no school tomorrow! :D5 ) Tickets are booked for Friday's HSM3! :D6) I've got many orders today! :D7) Me Sarah & Patricia had our own PrayerG! :D
See seeeeee. Weeee, long time since i was so happy. Yay. I wanna share the joy with all of my readers haha! God created my pretty day!
Firstly, i'm pretty tired 'cuz i couldn't sleep early last night. Was so excited bout today morning's outreach programme lah! Turning around and around and around then zzz boom slept. Woke up at 545am * proud of myself * Jing kai! Clap. I didn't slap my maid when she woke my up okay...haha. So reached school around 645am. CLAP AGAIN THANKS. Prayed before the programme, for change of attitude. And weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, went out to give lollys to people around. &it was kinda scary at first. Cuz imagine going up to random people whom you don't know, and they stare at you for 5 seconds, you stare back for another 5 seconds and they go like
" HUH! ORH. *pauses.* THANKS AH."
Hahahah! I love God, so cute lah. Give us this chance to spread to the unsaved people in the school :) And today's Devotion was rather meaningful. Spread the love :D Uh huh, Jermaine shall not dislike those people whom i dislike right now. HAHA. I'm trying hard to.
Okay so basically there was Literature today, watched The Incredibles which was ridiculously funny. Cuz i kinda forgot the story line. HAHA. I couldn't stop asking Ms Pan about the France trip, cuz i was way too excited lah! :D *squealssssssssssssssssssssssssssss* It's gonna be lesser than 10 degress over there, i'm worried yet excited! Haha i tell you the funny part when i found out i was selected to go :
HAHHA. My reaction was super funny, only started laughing when i reached home and told my mum. YA OKAY I KNOW I'M SLOW. HAHAHA! :) Random : I just realised that i like to highlight things using orange haha! I've been up to crazy stuff lately, like throwing blu tack into Joy's uniform, stuffing plastic bags into Tze Hng's pocket, and even pinching Willi. &most of all, MY BLOG POST TODAY IS SO BLOODY LONG HAHA. I'm so haha-ish today so i'm gonna hahahahaha all the way!
Okay enough shit. Cuz i'm happyyyy. Oh and my results, not very contented, but thankful for what i have! Though i could have worked harder :) Weeeeeee, Jermaine, chiong ahh. Hey, be my witness : I BOUGHT MANY SEC 2 ASSESMENT BOOKS :D
Thanks for being sucha great friend, silly me only realised it this year ): Haha i used to hate him to the bloody max. But ever since we got closer this year, i think he's damn niceeeeeeeeeeeee :) Haha. Pen spinning. Maple. Yeah the weirdest guy 0.0 LOL. I hope you achieve whatever you want to and eeeeeeeeeeeeerr, hope you receive Jesus into yaah life real soon :)
Okay birthday wishes done. Now what. My life ): I'm like some apple crumble gna crumble anytimeeee. Me, Yee Tat, Sarah, Brenwin, our mums are gna meet VP tomorrow over the stupid library incident. I rather they meet DM lor, Mr Lim is so much cuter :D Haha! Anyway, i'm like totally confused now. Don't know what to do. Haiz.
Jovi says:
then how?
Jovi says:
go lehs...plz...
* Jovi just sent you a nudge.*
Jovi says:
go leh...
Jovi says:
Jovi says:
caN GO?
HAHAHAHA. EVIDENCE. Cuz i said i dun wanna go tomorrow's outing LOL :) Jovi ho. boo.
As close a heartbeat or a song on our lips.
Someday we'll trust Him and learn how to see Him.
Someday He'll call us and we will come running
Awesome song :)
Today sucked. All the retarded talks drive me crazy. I'm real tired now lah. Haiz. Today's dance practice was horrendous, trust me. Me & Ellie were prolly the stiffest lah. Normally we could easily just stretch, but today we were just tooooooo stiff till noticed. Whole body aching right now. Sit ups, wtf. Did continuously for 8 to 9 mins, the duration of a song replayed twice. Imagine how tiring and painful my back is right now ): Each time we stopped add an extra 20, at that point of time while trying so hard, just felt like giving up. But i knew i can't ): We are girls damn it...
Bruises on my back, blood test tomorrow. Therefore not going to school. Rah i'm real scared ): Buy me anything that has chocolate or strawberry people!
It was probably the easiest paper i ever did in PHS. Can't believe it. Parents gna' scold, and i really wana retake the paper laaaaaaaaaaaaa! I hate my results. So damn much especially maths & science. Science, maybe not 'cuz highest was only 60 + compared to Devotion's 92. I guess they are too smart -.- Crazy people. Obviously right. Theirs is the only class with Mr Lim, the exam setter leh. 1ENDURANCE & 1GRACE WERE TAUGHT BY...urgh. WHATEVER LAH!
I'm gonna study hard during the hols, i can't afford to lose out in Sec2. I'm gonna get into the course i want, full stop. Even if i can't remain in the top 2 classes, i'd study real hard. I want to get 4As means i want to. Wake up Jermaine, you've had enough fun.
God, i'm sorry. I've let You down...
There's a thousand and one reasons which caused my unhappiness today. I shan't name who.
Like, you guys push it wayy too much. Imagine; If you were in his position, how would you feel? You tell me. What's this man. I've been in that situation before, all i could do was simply stfu and do what i want to do. I didn't wanna get angry 'cuz it's of no use, neither would i wanna complain 'cuz i thought they will wake up soon. Sec 1 already, and is this discrimination? If so, why not start to tease the others too ? I think it's totally ridiculous and childish. Fcking stupid to have this lame joke going on for months and probably years. No big deal right? If this ever gets out to the public, i seriously don't know how you people would suffer the punishment given by the society. I stood there, watching you know. WATCHING. I know it's not some free show, but what can i do? How silly you people can get. I kept on wondering what's gonna happen next, what will people around think, why you all did that for. Fun? Self defence? Or just trying to do it for the sake of doing it? I really felt so tired today, and all that happened in the morning & afternoon. Results, public apology to school & AMK library, all that shit has caused me to worry for days. Thought i'd be fine and not worry so much after it ended. But things gotta start appearing out of nowhere always. I didn't talk much; 'cuz i had nothing to say. I'm not angry nor sad nor pissed nor disappointed. Yeah probably i WAS very disappointed. But come to think about it, the entire situation was not worth me brooding over it. Sometimes i hope God really can open all of your minds&hearts. I've been waiting till all of you would come to know Him, accept Him. I know for sure if you guys get to know Him, the impact on your lives would be great. It's so tough ): I'm afraid the feeling of gna' break down once more is back.
Blood test probably tomorrow. Sigh.
1) I like to close my phone flap with my cheek; jerm's lazy.
2) I like mixing POTATOES with some of my sentences; prolly cuz i love them.
3) I like to act bitchy to Jovi; i need him to learn to be more girl like you see :)
4) I don't like ketchup; they taste...too sweet. I don't like sweet things.
5) I learn something new every morning. Like today, Mickey has yellow big shoes. Josh, right? :D
6) I like lovely hugs; but not tight till you can't breathe. I've experienced one before.
7) I tend to finish my entire bowl of soup every dinner; cuz jerm loves soup.
8) I think photoframes for pressies are pathetic; unless they are super nice & unique.
9) I don't like clothes with laces; they are as irritating as Jovi.
10 ) I like herbal stuff; since i was in my mama's womb ;D
11) I think my watch is unique; unlike Jovi's.
12) I feel that i'm not really short, just average :) Compare.....*shh*
13 ) I don't like short/long skirts; act sexy act nerd.
14) I think sunglasses are uncool 'cuz they make me feel giddy.
15) I like irritating Gladys 'cuz she has a 1001 things to irritate her 'bout; tickle her back.
16 ) I can be quite unglam sometimes.
17 ) I dislike many teachers in our school; i can easily name 10.
18 ) I crave for Hokkien Mee whenever i go to Admiralty.
19 ) Oil prices are rising, i'm aware of that. AWWWW CKL. HAHA. I'm not really against her.
20 ) I used to have a boyfriend in maplestory; __ eew.
My exam results were back, probably graded as NOT VERY GOOD. :( Jermaine's kinda upset 'cuz she didn't really do well. Gah, but quite contented, ok maybe not. But contented a lil 'cuz at least i passed all. &you know, i think God is north south east west. He's like everywhere? I prayed in my heart today, even without closing my eyes or putting hands together, or even speaking. I failed my science before that. & then i had determination to check my paper, and guess what? I added 4.5 marks :D Hahaha! ((:
God = <3
I can't wait for my maths, D&T, Chinese paper tomorrow. Maths should be fine, but chinese & D&T? Wait till you see my tears. HAHA. I expect myself to fail though, 'cuz i know i didn't study. &that D&T was way too hard, things tested when we weren't even taught! Chinese? Don't need to say ;D I hope i don't drop class. Reallyyyyyyyyyy ): Kinda lost interest in the blogshop for today, but super enthu in the science project 0.0
Perhaps i'd be back to the blogshoppish mood real soon. In any way, i guess Jovi still loves me :D Hahhaha! Cuz i helped him to pass by teaching him to argue for marks. Love me uh. U OWE ME LUNCH...
p/s : i hardly like songs which i don't understand ;D
Lately i haven't been really hanging out with friends nor blogging 'cuz not feeling well. I really don't know what's wrong with my own health. Either i'm not eating well or not taking care of myself. So i bloody fainted yesterday morning -.- Don't come and " OMG. WTF. REALLY ?! " Yeah, reaction of my friends & family. Youuu thinkkk i wantttt.
I'm not sure if i'm anaemic or something, 'gna have some check up & blood test soon. __ i'm scared of injections& needles. Very. Yesterday morning i was waiting for my dad to come out of the bathroom, so i decided to lie around the sofa to rest. And normally after lying and resting for quite a while, then wake up. I'd feel very giddy. I thought leaning on or holding on to something would help, 'cuz that's what i normally do. But not yesterday, the next few seconds when i opened my eyes i realised i was already on the floor with my entire family panicking like siao already. HAHA.
Now i'm treated like some fragile girl. When bathing or in the toilet, not allowed to lock the door just in case i faint inside & nobody knows. No need to carry too many things( WOOHOO) haha. Funny looking medicine. I'm really worried. I hope i don't have some stupid illness or shit ): So i probably need somebody with me wherever i go. YES I'M WEAK WHATEVER. AT LEAST GOD GRANTED ME STRENGTH. NOW I'M STRONGGGGG INSIDE. Jealous say.
Rahhhhhhhhh. Anyway, on Thursday i went with Sarah to get backpacks. Haha. Oh and talking bout blogshop, i'm like happyyyy ;DD More sales these weeks, woots. Thank God God God. Haha i know lah, a bit ridiculous to pray for our business but that's exactly what i did. Don't laugh or else i shall shoot you.
& i have a new favourite song ;DD
All for love a Father gave
For only love could make a way
All for love the heavens cried
For love was crucified
Oh how many times have I broken Your heart?
But still You forgive
If only I ask
And how many times have You heard me pray?
Draw near to me...
Everything I need is You
My beginning, my forever
Everything I need is You
Haha, such thing as missing God? Yeap i'm missing Him. Haha, without chapel, devotions, prayer group. Sometimes i'm super taken away from Him. Yesterday was the longest time i prayed to God too, and i really felt very good after it :) Like emptied everything. LOL. Oh how many times have I broken Your heart? But still You forgive, If only I ask. And how many times have You heard me pray? Draw near to me... Makes sense, doesn't it? Okay i feel guilty now.
Think about it. Anyway...
Jovi says:
[39]Xternal [???????? ??????????????.] Xuanyue pwnzor
!.Samuel,Jayner,Xikai,PeiEn.Jiawei,Jiaying,Hongwen,Yongmei,Jianwei! says:
jovi go watch go get horny with ms chin
:: JERMAINE. - ♥ JESUS, You're the only one that i could
live for((: says:
Jovi says:
[39]Xternal [???????? ??????????????.] Xuanyue pwnzor
!.Samuel,Jayner,Xikai,PeiEn.Jiawei,Jiaying,Hongwen,Yongmei,Jianwei! says:
*jovi gets horny when he sees ms chin*
[39]Xternal [???????? ??????????????.] Xuanyue pwnzor
!.Samuel,Jayner,Xikai,PeiEn.Jiawei,Jiaying,Hongwen,Yongmei,Jianwei! says:
tom and jerry
Jovi says:
[39]Xternal [???????? ??????????????.] Xuanyue pwnzor
!.Samuel,Jayner,Xikai,PeiEn.Jiawei,Jiaying,Hongwen,Yongmei,Jianwei! says:
jovi gets horny when he sees tom chase
jerryJovi says:
OR anyone want to go escape?
[39]Xternal [???????? ??????????????.] Xuanyue pwnzor
!.Samuel,Jayner,Xikai,PeiEn.Jiawei,Jiaying,Hongwen,Yongmei,Jianwei! says:
fuck you. last time say treat us nv treat us
[39]Xternal [???????? ??????????????.] Xuanyue pwnzor
!.Samuel,Jayner,Xikai,PeiEn.Jiawei,Jiaying,Hongwen,Yongmei,Jianwei! says:
pcb kia
Jovi says:
[39]Xternal [???????? ??????????????.] Xuanyue pwnzor
!.Samuel,Jayner,Xikai,PeiEn.Jiawei,Jiaying,Hongwen,Yongmei,Jianwei! says:
last time ur bd say u treat us escape
[39]Xternal [???????? ??????????????.] Xuanyue pwnzor
!.Samuel,Jayner,Xikai,PeiEn.Jiawei,Jiaying,Hongwen,Yongmei,Jianwei! says:
end up nv treat
Jovi says:
say only wad...
Jovi says:
Jovi says:
even if i did...
Josh † - Vindication Illumination Revelation. - five is
for 5 says:
wa wad kindaguyGIRL r u
Josh † - Vindication Illumination Revelation. - five is
for 5 says:
say n dun do
Jovi says:
you'll still scold vulgarities..,.
Josh † - Vindication Illumination Revelation. - five is
for 5 says:
tok big
[39]Xternal [???????? ??????????????.] Xuanyue pwnzor
!.Samuel,Jayner,Xikai,PeiEn.Jiawei,Jiaying,Hongwen,Yongmei,Jianwei! says:
Jovi says:
and a car can't fit8 +1 ppl
' ❤ jingying says:
i want go escapeee
:: JERMAINE. - ♥ JESUS, You're the only one that i could
live for((: says:
ask ur dad travel two times
Josh † - Vindication Illumination Revelation. - five is
for 5 says:
u cant tink out of e box ar?
Jovi says:
:: JERMAINE. - ♥ JESUS, You're the only one that i could
live for((: says:
ur maths fail la
Jovi says:
idiot....chaffeur ah???
Jovi says:
you drive larh!
[39]Xternal [???????? ??????????????.] Xuanyue pwnzor
!.Samuel,Jayner,Xikai,PeiEn.Jiawei,Jiaying,Hongwen,Yongmei,Jianwei! says:
Jovi says:
on second thought..
[39]Xternal [???????? ??????????????.] Xuanyue pwnzor
!.Samuel,Jayner,Xikai,PeiEn.Jiawei,Jiaying,Hongwen,Yongmei,Jianwei! says:
we throw ur dad out of
Jovi says:
singapoe collapse
[39]Xternal [???????? ??????????????.] Xuanyue pwnzor
!.Samuel,Jayner,Xikai,PeiEn.Jiawei,Jiaying,Hongwen,Yongmei,Jianwei! says:
and we drive ourself where we
Jovi says:
Jovi says:
:: JERMAINE. - ♥ JESUS, You're the only one that i could
live for((: says:
:: JERMAINE. - ♥ JESUS, You're the only one that i could
live for((: says:
[39]Xternal [???????? ??????????????.] Xuanyue pwnzor
!.Samuel,Jayner,Xikai,PeiEn.Jiawei,Jiaying,Hongwen,Yongmei,Jianwei! says:
im an idiot
[39]Xternal [???????? ??????????????.] Xuanyue pwnzor
!.Samuel,Jayner,Xikai,PeiEn.Jiawei,Jiaying,Hongwen,Yongmei,Jianwei! says:
ure a horny freak
[39]Xternal [???????? ??????????????.] Xuanyue pwnzor
!.Samuel,Jayner,Xikai,PeiEn.Jiawei,Jiaying,Hongwen,Yongmei,Jianwei! says:
who gets horny over rats
HAHAHA! I LOVE THEM LA. Xternal is Jing Kai. Omg i love it when they quarrel cuz it's damn fun to watch it hahaha! JOVI. WATCH OUT :P I know we love to bully youuu, but i love you bestie!
YOU KNOW HE WAS SO NICE TO ME YESTERDAY. I dropped my sharpener for the art exam from the 3rd floor down, and he accompanied me to first floor to find it :D &when can't find it, he lent me his only sharpener ! Cuz he told me he doesn't need it. Aww so sweet lah ♥
Haha, miss my blog na. Yesterday instead of cramming work, i was cramming clothes&emails. HAHA. So damn fun, somehow i think i love our blogshop loads. &the hell thing was, daddy's curry puff made me wake up in the middle of the morning at 3 46 am cuz my stomach was aching and felt damn queasy.
Anyway, no school today and tomorrow. Which calls for celebration ha. Like wavessssss. I hate IT days, what reflection. Total bullshit okay. I rather give us such holidays so we can rest at home. I'm really gonna fall sick soon :(
I miss you biatchhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Spread wide in the arms of Christ;
There's a love that covers sin.
No greater love have I ever known;
You considered me a friend.
Capture my heart again...
Have strength guys :)
Both of you, appreciate it. Don't push it too far. Don't take advantage. Don't force me...don't force us. I can simply do what i wanna do, when i want it.