Thursday, November 27, 2008
Baby, i love you.
I'm going to these weird places from tomorrow onwards. Would see if able to blog on my wayyyy! HAHA. See you peeps :D
Love ya.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Romeo, save me.
It isn't God's will.
So leave it, love.
Nothing much these days, packing my almost-gonna-explode luggage was the only fun thing. Dance kinda pissed me off, don't ask why (: Was emo.
Anyway, thanks Amadeeeeeeeeeeeea (:
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Happy Birthday Bro! (:
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Jovi so cute. Haha.
I'm prolly posted to 2Endurance. Which clearly shows God answered my prayers. Readers, i love God :D I'd study uber hard. Yay.
I think i don't deserve it, but since i'm given a chance. I'd do my best (:
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I was browsing thru sites, and chanced upon this RANDOMLY. Anyhow click, saw this.
[ Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” ]
John 11:40
Somehow i think it applies to me
indirectly, God loves me. He has plans, so what am i still waiting for? I'm not putting enough effort in pulling the r/s close, or knowing Him deeper ): No matter how guilty i feel right now, ain't gonna help. I guess i'd go get a Bible tmrw, before i lose faith easily.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I won't be blogging for quite a while readers! Haha. Prolly after i return from London. (:
But i might pop some random posts up in the meanwhile yes! Haha. Bye! :D
Finally, you called(:
Sunday, November 16, 2008
& my post shall be full of some bitch right now.
There's this bitch. That's very bitch. So i call her a bitch. Cuz she really is a bitch. Fuck off, stop irritating me. You push it too far, then don't blame meeeeeeeeeeeee. YOU TOTALLY RUINED MY MOOD. ENOUGH OF YOUR SHIT.I'm going out tmrw, & i'm so proud of myself :D I finally planned an outing, SUCCESSFULLY & BEAUTIFULLY PLANNED!
I can't wait for tomorrow, yet don't want tomorrow to come ):
I'd prolly blog later. But i found this so adorable till i'm gonna post it up first. Haha. I hurt my head while eating banana just now, yeah laugh -.- First time i'm trying how a banana taste like, and when i peeled the skin, i knocked my head against the freaking metal grilles which had a sort of sharp edge. I cried. My family laughed. Urgh.
I complained to Ytttttttt, and look @ this conver. Haha.
Yee Tat. says:
im sorry
Yee Tat. says:
& your picture is nice
Yee Tat. says:
& put ice on it
Haha the sentence " &your picture is nice " is freakinggggggggggggggggg out of topic. LOL.
Friday, November 14, 2008
blah.shut up.
I'm feelinggg siannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Mixed emotions perhaps.
Super upset & frustrated with the blogshop customers. Some of them, if they were in our school, i'd make them suffer man. Imagine, i ordered for them, and that they finally agreed after asking so many questions, then tell me after i sent in orders that they are not interested in it anymore & stops replying you. Like fck you.
Gah. Dance was hell too ): I couldn't do the steps up to my standard, even though i'm not performing i wanna do it right & proper.
IAMDAMNFRUSTRATED NOW.I don't want you to leave, really ):
Thursday, November 13, 2008

; Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone.
I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run.
You'll be the prince, &i'll be the princess
It's a love story...
Baby, just say yes.
Romeo, save me.
They try to tell me how I feel
This love is difficult, but it's real.
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess.
It's a love story...
Baby, just say yes.
I got tired of waiting,
Wondering if you were ever coming around.
My faith in you is fading...
When I met you on the outskirts of town
&I said...
Romeo, save me
I've been feeling so alone.
I keep waiting for you,
but you never come.
Is this in my head?
I don't know what to think.
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring.
&said " Marry me, Juliet.
You'll never have to be alone...
I love you and that's all I really know.
I talked to your dad.
Go pick out a white dress."
It's a love story...
Baby, just say yes ♥
Jesus, i love You :D
May you stay as cheerful as you are right now, and hope your appeal succeeds! :D Prolly one of the craziest senior i've ever seen, Amadea is included in my crazy senior list too. Haha.

Went out with dancers today, to Yishun to watch Madagascar. EH NICE LOR. Except the cinema. Haha, some suckers used laser to distract us, and the funny part was when the cinema sang to the credits. I LIKE TO MOVE IT MOVE IT. HAHA! The show was nice, i think nicer than the part one. Okay no, both are as nice. At least nicer than HSM3, okay don't talk about it. Haha. I WANNA WATCH AGAIN :DD Fortunately, i didn't watch my money again yo! Cuz it was worth itttttttttttttttttttttttt. 4.5/5 stars. Not 5/5 'cuz i didn't know what the hell was it about at first. Haha. BUT catch it!
Lazed about, walked round the new buildings of the Northpoint, and kinda stoopid 'cuz one big group of girls entering shops and trying stuff without getting anything! Haha. Anyway, before the outing, i was at school for the Paris trip briefing. Haha i don't like somebody. Cuz she's bitchy. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Chu Yi knows! HAHA.
2 weeks more! Yay! I'm gonna take pwetty whoops pretty pictures and post them up as my blog has been dead boring lately yes i know you shuddup. I love my blogshop. I love God too :D
These days been shit for me, 'cuz some stuff caused me to lose faith in God, which is a shakes head matter. Kinda bad of me lor, gah. But thank God, i feel so passionate now! Haha, yayyyy i'm not gonna let it off anymoreeeeeeeeeeee. I want to go to churchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Bleh. I got lots of things to blog about, but somehow i keep forgetting -.-
OH YES! I WENT TO SOMEWHERE WITH CHU YI & HER SISTER. Which is fun 'cuz her sister makes me laugh. Hahahaha! Super CHIJ style ok! (:
Then i went to Orchard to meet a customer, blabberblabberblabber. Home now. :D
I crave tomato soup...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Sick & tired. Flu. Sore throat. Feeling so shit.
The jab made me feel even worse, totally numb ):
Quarrelled with a customer -.- Irresponsible bitch. Be glad i don't blacklist people.
drain the noise out please, i really need a good rest.
Monday, November 10, 2008
I'm very upset right now. VERY. Don't try to contact me, i'd only talk to you if i feel like it. One sentence. I hate PHS so much. Don't even feel like going to Paris/London anymore ):
Sunday, November 9, 2008
I wrote a long post and thought it was too emo. DELETED.
Haha, yesterday was hell for me. Like, first time i ever saw the ugly side of Singaporeans -.- Serious. Look, my explanation belows agrees with my statement.
Uncle opened another outlet for his bakery, so invited family & friends for the buffet. FAMILY & FRIENDS, get it. Alright so some pathetic people, came for free food. Which was damn annoying la, come on man, i've never seen anybody as cheapskate and pathetic as them lor. Not just one, it's about 40 to 50 people! Fucking hell. I couldn't finish my lunch in peace, and the entire family were like some security guards. Situated at different places, to guard the food. Haha. Super disgusting of them la, urgh. We kept the plates & drinks aside, 'cuz people always came on their own accord, took the food and start eating. Especially when they were not cheap, thinking it was some free buffet!
There was this two freaks, took our stools and occupied so many. Waiting for us to start eating, so they can take our food. I stared at them, she looked at me. I stared back again, they looked at me. Haha come on man, i'm not scared. Some china couple -.- Imagine la, the fact that i allowed you to sit on the stools is good enough, yet don't wanna return the stools for fear no space to sit, to eat OUR food. Freaking shit. &there were pathetic people, like this bloody fat boy, younger than me. He refilled the drink about 7 times, i saw it and got damn mad. Stood in front of him, and took care of the cups and machines. Guess what? He fucking burped at me. BURPED. YES. BURPED. Felt like giving him a middle finger into his face, but too bad his parents were there. Oh, don't talk about the parents. Even worse. I spoke in three different languages. English, Chinese, Hokkien. It's either they are acting blur, or really don't understand
*attempt number one *
" HUH ?"
*tries again *
" HUH ? "
*tries ONE LAST TIME *
Lol, huh huh huh. Shudap la. & i got scolded by this woman, for nothing. She asked me for a plate and cup, to eat. I told her, it's only for invited guest. Guess what she said?
* in hokkien *
" How i know only for invited guest, if so, then put one board here say la. How people know ah. & you don't give me plates and cups, how i eat ?"
I stared damn hard at her. Cuz i was speechless you know. Wth la. Not cuz i don't dare shoot back, it's cuz never expected people to stoop themselves to such a lowly stage just to have free lunch!
Singaporeans, i beg of you. Don't disgrace yourselves like that. Have some dignity, Jovi Ho, this goes out to you as well. :D Haha.
Haha, trip to Plaza Singapura. Yeap i'm back there again! Haha. Mum had some discount for the cold wear, bought stuff for my trip :D Happy, two weeks yo! But i feel kinda bad spending so much money on clothes alone, 120bucks just for a pair of earmuffs, long john & a pair of socks & a pretty grey hat. Damn it :/ *feels bad * Shall be a good girl.
Kinda tired these days, occupied with Dance & blogshop. Supposed to study today, no motivation. Tuesday night, promise! (:
&been praying for a super duper long time to God, i really hope Denise would be able to go to Europe with me. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
20 days. Stay strong.
Haha that's all! Bye! :D
Friday, November 7, 2008
Blogshop war.
This is fun. I'm seriously hooked on to lotsa electronic gadgets these days :D PSP especially. Haha! Okay probably 'cuz i'm damn keen on beating Yee Tat's DJ max portable 2 high score. Let me tell you something uber paiseh, i got a B grade for my level 2. &from level 3 onwards i kept hearing GAME OVER -.- But that long fingeredreak did a B in level 5.
Wah damn sad. Haha, and lately i think my blog veh pretty :D Roses and butterflies sounds so sweet. Thank God i didn't put...mmm, waffles & ice cream with double layered pampers. HAHA.
Okay whatevah, mood kinda spoilt a lil. A LIL. Feeling bitchy. Thanks to some blogshops, i didn't link my blog to my blogshop for a reason. Kinda pissed over some sellers. I don't know why the hell are they doing business for. Like, the main reason is to like sell stuff, earn money, create new fashion trends and the list goes on. Example, the cost of a bagpack was about $25 to $27 in normal blogshops. But some freaks just changed the entire " market " by slashing it to a freaking $18. And what's more it's bloody ridiculous. I mean, there isn't a need to slash it all the way down just to have more customers right. I think it doesn't really help lor. Gahhhhhhh. Kinda sick of the blogshop sometimes, especially when i come across people selling the " same " things as me incredibly low and they always double or triple spam my blogshop so people can go over. Irritating. Walauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, i really hope to create a super nice blogshop, with blue background. Stars & hearts & butterflies. And it shall be a pretty blogshop that's uber well known, selling unique nice dresses & tops :D *punches, dream on ! *
Everbody has a dream. That's one of the steps im gonna take, to the pathway of being some weirdo in the fashion industry. Haha, i gotta wake up real early tmrw!
Gdnite people :DOh, i know this incredibly adorable guy. He ordered tea, and the cashier counter lady gave him almond tea. This silly nut didn't go up and ask for an exchange. Instead he just left it at the table for it to evaporate -.- Haha, and imagine eating cuttlefish congee without eating cuttlefishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Weirdo.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Jerm - lion - mane.
I HAVEN'T POSTED FOR 8346808604860 days woohoo!Okay not really, i posted deleted posted deleted. Fickle minded uh, thanks. Haha, i'm just back from Plaza Sing. Today was super tiring okay, woke up at a bloody 7am just to go and make my passport renewal shit @ Lavender. . &just when i thought there'd be NOBODY, it was totally opposite and the queue was all the way till the end of the other building! Never expected it man, gosh.
Thennnnn decided to turn home, but on the way back home, my mum decided to go back and try our luck again, to see if the crowd's still there. Haha, quite smart. :D Waited for 60 over people. Man, i think i'm super patient these days. &my new passport picture makes me look like some actress from The Coffin. Hahahaha!
So back home, slacked. Off to cut my hair @ Dhoby Ghaut. Woooooooooooooooooooooots. I'm kinda satisfied right now :DD At first, i looked like a freeking lion, but yup it's fine now. Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooots. I'm gunnah study on Sunday.
I've a strong hatred towards hongsters, not directed to anyone haha.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Music Box.

Hahahahaha don't be jealous peeps (: It's the music box! I got it i got it i got it! Can finally strike it off my " wish list ". It's a super pretty piece okay, once i turn the handle it plays Beauty & The Beast. Haha, whoa damn touched. I'm bringing it to France with me, yo!
I'm not afraid to tell who are the lovely buyer(s) :D Thanks Yeetat! & Denise too ! (: Haha, damn touched. Damn sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. Look at the blue paper fillings & the black box, nice right right right. Haha cuz it's blue you know! Whoa think i love em, and coincidentally, i bought stuff for the both of them today ! Just that not that pretty, some random item. Hahahha.
Oh and speaking about it, HAPPY BIRTHDAY GLADYS & JIA MING! Although i don't know who's JiaMing yet, haha!
Gladysssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, thanks for being my first bitchy friend :D Haha, i'd remember you for life. Get into CSS3 and put the guys to shame yo! I went to Sembawang with her today, and we bought nonsensical stuff. Haha, then off to dance.
Dance was nothing much. Lol. I'm damn happy 'cuz of the music box na! :D
Sunday, November 2, 2008
The thing about love.
Hi people, veh good evening. HAHA.
Yeaps i just changed my blogskin, and i managed to beat my previous record of 3 hours! I only took 2 hours to modify it again :D Nice not nice not nice not!
Darling Ryan's birthday today, kinda awesome ( in the children's view ) and for me ley? Hahaha stares at yo! It might be perfect if i was 7 years younger, cuz got sooooooooo many cute lil kids there :D Imagine all that transformers, power rangers, everything! So cute to see them get excited over lil things lor, even the piniata ( spelling pls. ) Oh yo know thinking back kills my brain cells, if any of my good friends are reading this, they'd prolly know how i celebrated my birthday every year at home, till p4 i think.
Barbie barbie barbie hello kitty hello kitty hello kitty princess princess princess. Yes. HAHA. Never expected right.
Okay it's kinda tiring to stare this this tiny notebook uh uh, i'm gunnahhhhhh go out and get a life right now.